Age 33 Spiritual Meaning

Age 33 – Spiritual Meanings:

It is about the age of mastery

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain

There is just a deep sense of mastery waiting to wake up at age 33.

Everything you have experienced in the course of your life has made a permanent imprint on you, shaped you, and either unconsciously or consciously, taken you to this moment.

This year signifies self-mastery, knowing intimately who you are as a being on your deepest and purest level and exactly how you merge with your soul purpose.

It is the time when we often have to strip off identities.

You realize that the jobs, relationships or even ideologies you once identified with no longer resonate. 33 years old meaning

I have seen others reach this age and find themselves reaching out for those things they had forgotten about or were not willing to summon up the courage within them to pursue.

It is a spiritual come-to-Jesus — a call to live nakedly and truthfully in the very image of who you are being called up to be in conjunction with the universal energy from which we all come.

Mastery may not automatically equate to “figured it all out” or that you are simply good in your way already at age 33.

However, you are armed with the skills set on how to face life more gracefully, consciously and crisply when compared to the age of younger selves.

This is the year that many spiritual gifts also increase, including intuition, healing ability and psychic insight, where you will feel an energetic change.

It is about the crossroads

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” —2 Corinthians 5:7

Age 33 is not just about gaining but also lessons on choices. 33 age meaning

It’s a fork in the road where the paths diverge, and your soul is demanded to choose or accept.

It can come across as a lot of pressure because this moment does feel much more important in life.

More often than not, this crossroads shows up in the material world: a massive change in your career, the end of a significant relationship or moving to a new state.

Even though its real meaning hit me deep within, it is a question of what the soul chooses.

You can continue on a more known path, and your growth will be slower but safer, or jump into the unknown, trusting in your soul’s call to expand.

At this age, there is a tension between what we know and what we feel.

By the time we are 33, this is something most of us now know: living in sync with our spirit/self often means letting go of control. 33 birthday meaning

The universe starts to present you with more and more opportunities that test the old and force you into walking by faith — believing that what’s ahead is really at your best & highest.

It is about Kundalini

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” —Matthew 5:14

The Kundalini rising is a volcanic spiritual awakening typically associated with age 33.

Kundalini energy (usually symbolized by a coiled snake at the base of your spine!) is released once the spiritual seeker becomes ready to benefit.

And usually the year 33 is the great signal for this radical turning point.

Few signs and symptoms of this awakening can be different.

For some, there are heightened senses of intuition or powerful dreaming and creative bursts. year 33 meaning

Some might experience a surging up of energy that seems to light them up from the inside out, while others feel as though they are in deep internal chaos as this same surge digs into the depths of themselves, dredging up old traumas, unresolved emotions or other unhealed parts of self.

But that is nothing to be scared of.

The rising of Kundalini is an invitation to cleanse, heal and align yourself in all parts.

Around age 33, the body and spirit are more ready to handle the intensity related to the Kundalini awakening.

You have grown the emotional, mental and spiritual callouses to bounce back from them faster.

This results in a shift in the way you see the world and your life as well because with ascending of Kundalini guides you to look at the world from a divine view.

This awakening makes you face your shadows, but it also brings you to enlightenment.

It is about emotional maturity

“The truth will set you free.” —John 8:32

The other major factor at age 33 is your emotional pain, which is given and felt. significance of 33 years old

At this point in our lives, we probably have some emotional baggage under our belts (no pun intended), and for a lot of people, this is the year they decide to shed it.

Underneath it all, emotional maturity helps us to realize that while it may be far too late to change the past, it is entirely up to us how we choose to carry it.

At age 33, we are asked to look at and through our filter of pain that is left over from childhood or from relationships or experiences that have not been resolved.

Determining to stop having those memories replayed back in your mind but remember them as something different … compassion, understanding and forgiveness.

You start to realize that those old wounds, the ones that you thought would never leave, feel like secrets in discovering more freedom and understanding.

Healing is challenging at 33 but well worth the effort. It is sort of a non-harmful spell to cut the energy cords that have kept you tied to old versions of yourself. 33rd birthday meaning

It is a process of trimming away the pieces that are not your true core, the parts that you do not want to believe or become and chiseling through all of your excuses to becoming emotionally whole again.

Because as we progress through this year, you will naturally find yourself wanting and needing to do practices that enable this emotional release — whether it be meditation, energy healing or just time alone soul-searching, stirring out all the crap inside of you.

It is about wholeness

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” —Genesis 1:1

The dance between male and female energies within finds its balance at 33 years old.

Everyone has humanity in them and also divinity — it does not matter if you are a man or a woman, every person will carry these two energies.

So, the trip going for fullness is about actually balancing these.

The masculine is moving, thinking and doing. Feminine energy is intuitive, nourishing, and flowing. 33rd birthday significance

At age 33, you sure have had endless opportunities to invoke both feminine and masculine energy responses in life.

By this time, the blend of these energies starts heading to a focus.

So many people end up accepting parts of themselves that they once disowned or buried.

Think someone whose focus has been mainly on career and achieving (masculine energy) might all of a sudden be drawn toward creativity, resting, or feeling their feelings (feminine energy).

Luckily, this is a beautiful balance; it is not about striving for perfection.

It is about learning to move in and out of these energies as required.

It is about the teacher archetype

“The wise man is one who knows what he does not know.” —Lao Tzu

33 is generally an age at which many people find themselves being called upon to teach others the way of things or lead them in a new direction. age 33 meaning

Whether you realize it or not, the experiences you’ve accrued have given you a profound field of knowing.

That might not mean becoming a teacher in the traditional sense.

You notice everyone goes to you for help, advice or guidance.

Your energy is now a magnet for others who seek answers, and you realize your journey is not just yours to walk but to light the way for those on the same path.

This is the age where you must remember teaching isn’t about your ego or for it to be their aha moment.

It’s about service.

It is to know that the wisdom you have discovered through your experience isn’t solely yours, but it’s for all.

You turn into a conduit for the divine wisdom that is about elevating others.

It is about discipline

“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” —Matthew 26:41

33 is also the age that so many discover spirituality and begin to really dedicate time to spirit for discipline’s sake. 33 years old spiritual meaning

Some of the frivolities of youth are slowly disappearing, becoming replaced with a return to spirituality.

This is the year where routines of meditation, prayer, breathwork, or yoga change from being practices to lifelines.

And this deepening of spiritual practice is not a withdrawal symptom of bypassing life in the physical world.

It’s more about growing the inner strength to be less violent and lean in sans labels to grace.

At a certain point, you recognize that your spiritual practice is not apart from the rest of your life.

It is also a time of year when many venture into new spiritual practices.

You may feel called to study into ancient teachings, attend sacred rituals or even search for a spiritual guide to help navigate you through this initiation year.

It is about the future

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” —Proverbs 29:18

When you hit 33, the call to action to form a vision of what’s next starts to feel urgent. turning 33 meaning

It’s more than just setting goals or making plans.

It is about getting your life aligned with the highest possible good.

We are in a year that is very concentrated on clarity, direction and intention as our spiritual energies.

It’s a time for reflection and reevaluation — where you are and how far you’ve come.

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