Baby Lizard Spiritual Meaning

Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing A Baby Lizard In House:

New Beginnings

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu

Baby lizards are like a new beginning. In the same way, the Bible verse from Jeremiah 29:11 assures me that there are plans not for my demise but hopeful ones.

I have found that baby lizards are seen during points of change for me.

So, I take this as a sign that something much larger is on the horizon for me. Examples – a new job, moving to relocate and shifting relationships around.

The lizard is like a “tailor” to its labyrinth. In order to thrive, I leave with my heart open just as one of his creations.

The baby lizard is my sign that I am not alone during my journey in Samsara. I must remember to believe in my ability to adapt.

It is about courage

“Courage is knowing what not to fear.”  – Plato

As an animal lover, seeing anything that small always hit me hard. It is so tiny and fragile looking, but it goes out into the world with courage. baby lizard spiritual meaning

To me, spiritually finding a baby lizard is a deep root for courage, especially when I feel weak in spirit.

It makes us human, and vulnerability does not make you weak. Vulnerability and all that comprises it — the passion, pleasures and challenges of life. But, each time I see a baby lizard, I understand that there are moments in which being vulnerable is okay.

The baby lizard gives me an insight into the true essence of courage is taking action.

To be brave in the presence of vulnerability doesn’t mean making everything seem fine.

It means recognizing that I am scared, doubting everything and myself — then doing it anyway. That little lizard makes me see that in my weakest hours, I still can be strong and brave.

It is about intuition

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” – Albert Einstein

Whenever I come across a baby lizard, I have thoughts about my intuition. spiritual meaning of seeing a baby lizard

I know; I have learned that intuition is like a “gut feeling,” an inner knowing that transcends all logic.

It is a strong compass guiding me on my spiritual journey to ensure I make the choices that are right for MY way.

An example of this instinct for me is taking the cue from a baby lizard; I guess you could say that it knows where to go naturally because nature puts in all these truths and instincts within.

Intuition and instincts work very close. Although instinct has been thought of as a biological response, I see it as symbolically part of my connection to the divine.

The baby lizard reminds me that I also have the intrinsic knowledge of how to communicate with a higher power.

It is about prosperity

“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon.” – Psalm 92:12

Lizards are considered good luck charms in a lot of cultures, representing abundance and prosperity. baby lizard meaning

On a spiritual and energetic level, this is all leading me into an expansive period of growth where my work will start to pay for itself more easily in the form of wealth.

I desire to expand my wealth, but it represents something so much deeper than just material riches for me.

Baby lizards are something I interpret as a signal of me discovering more about what myself is at its core nature and connection to the higher infinite being.

Prosperity is not just financial success. It is about living a love-filled, joyful and meaningful life.

The baby lizard seems to indicate that I am on my way to reaching the real richness, money-wise and also heartwise.

Psalm 92:12 speaks of flourishing, and the baby lizard is an example that it is possible to flourish.

When I am connected to the source of my being and feed that divine destiny within me, then an abundant life follows.

It is about restoration

“He leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul.” – Psalm 23:1-3

The baby lizard symbolizes restoration and tranquility to me. baby lizard in house spiritual meaning

It means that I am entering a form of spiritual rebirth with the restoration within my soul.

It is an essential step on my spiritual journey of restoration.

The baby lizard came through the energy of peace. It is easy to forget that peace can be found within.

The baby lizard symbolizes taking moments of stillness to be intimate with myself and aligning with unity within myself in order to find peace.

Healing requires looking back at the pain in order for us to experience peace. But the baby lizard helps me to understand that I need to go through this process.

It is about focus

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21

The baby lizard sometimes looks very serious. It teaches me how to stop misplacing what truly matters. lizard in house meaning pregnancy

This focus is about making sure I am in congruence with my values and the things that matter to me the most.

It brings to mind, “What am I committing to in life?”

Do my daily actions contribute toward what I want to be when forty, fifty or sixty years have passed?

I think that the baby lizard is my reminder to take stock of what really feeds me and know that I need this just as much or more than everybody else.

The intense concentration of the lizard leads me to think about reducing distractions.

For growth on my spiritual journey, having a clear mind with purpose is key.

The baby lizard prompts me to clean out the garbage by always coming from within my lower self. However, this consists of more clear boundaries or slow living or diving deeper into practices that strengthen my spirituality.

It is about the power of the unseen

“Appearances are a glimpse of the unseen.” – Anaxagoras

Every time I discover a baby lizard, which more often than not disappears before my eyes or camouflages themselves with their environment, it just reminds me of what really matters that already remains undercover in the strands of life. baby lizard symbolism

On a spiritual level, its essence calls me to investigate the deeper facets of life that I often overlook.

As in every spiritual tradition, what is invisible seems to be even more important than the visible.

And I think about how the baby lizard can blend in, and it speaks to me of spending time discerning the hidden parts of my soul journey.

Another take-home message is to trust the invisible forces that direct my life.

The lizard is following its instincts and sensing what cannot be seen with the human eye.

Therefore, I realize that I do not need to control everything.

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