Biblical Meaning Of Seeing A Blue Jay

Biblical Meanings Of Seeing A Blue Jay:

It is about boldness

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

The first thing I think of when it comes to the blue jay is its boldness.

It is unafraid, will never take no for an answer and square up to defend its turf.

It makes me think of the way the Bible tells us to hold firm in our faith.

Real faith requires courage, and God always reminds us to be strong, especially when it gets tough.

A blue jay to me is the message that it almost be time, and I should hold strong to my beliefs. Biblical Meaning Of Seeing A Blue Jay

When life tests me or when I feel like my faith is crumbling.

The blue jay is my proof that God gives me strength to stand in His truth.

To me, the blue jay was a visual representation of preparedness in spirit.

I wasn’t meant to be timid and shy as long as he walked before me, assuring me all would come through according to God’s word.

The Color Blue

“Under His feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself.” – Exodus 24:10

In the Bible, blue color has a special meaning.

It is linked with and divine revelation. biblical meaning of blue jay

Seeing the blue shya it eviscerates my senses every time.

It is as though the heavens are reminding me that God is lighting a peace right above my head.

This blue jay’s connecting with both worlds, one of form and matter down here on Earth from which we hail since birth, then God’s world beyond this physical life.

During the craziness of life, a blue jay is my pause button to remember that there is more than what meets the eye in this world.

It is an indication that I should reconnect with God or re-center my commitment to spiritual growth.

It is about communication

“Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” – Psalm 141:3

Blue jays have noisier calls.

I always think that the way they vocalize it reminds me of what is written in the Bible about words being powerful. biblical meaning of seeing a blue jay

I am constantly reading in scripture about the power of communication and how wise I must be when considering what words will grace my tongue.

Every time I see that blue jay, I understand how much power there is in my voice.

It is about protection

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower…” – Proverbs 18:10

Blue jays aggressively protect their nests.

The way one mother fiercely guards another breaks my heart in the best possible ways and makes me think about how God shields His children.

With the same vigilance that Blue Jay guards what is his, so too does God keep watch over me.

God is making sure I always have all my needs met, and nothing bad happens to harm this world that he loves. biblical meaning of seeing a blue jay at night

When I see a blue jay, it makes my heart sing, and I believe God is still there watching over me during difficult times.

As if the bird is confirming God will always provide and protect His creation in good times and bad.

I believe, as the blue jay fiercely guards its own, that God will never let me go.

I may begin to feel a bit like the small bird facing much larger predators and start wanting to pull back.

I see that God’s protection is greater than anything.

It is about endurance

“But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” – Matthew 24:13

This is just another reason why blue jays astonish me.

They get through extreme winters and adapt as their environments change to go on growing even in adversity. biblical meaning of seeing a blue jay attacking you

Such endurance is a reflection of the biblical call to persevere through trials with faith and patience.

With blue jay sightings comes a sense of hope that I can make it through whatever season life has thrown me into.

Seeing a blue jay, I see the strength of standing up to it with grace.

It is about simplicity

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24

Blue jays might be bold, but they do take pleasure in the little things.

They fly around carefree, flitting from here to there in a park or down on the ground of your yard somewhere. biblical meaning of seeing a blue jay behind

In those moments, I remember that I can find joy in every day.

It is about community

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” – Psalm 133:1

Blue jays are social birds living in herds, and they share the same feeding ground.

This notion that to be an individual, I also have to want community, in spirit with the Biblical idea that we all together are perfect.

Blue Jay shows me the importance of relationships in my life.

The Bible teaches that Christians need each other.

We are built around God’s love for and design of what it is for a people to be whole.

It is about tuning into the Now

“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

I love the way blue jays are so aware of where they physically are at any given moment. biblical meaning of seeing a blue jay biblical meaning

They are not worried about the future or living in the past.

They are present.

For me, the arrival of a blue jay in my path is an indication to pause and focus on what is happening momentarily.

Many times, God speaks quietly, and His words fall like leaves on my soul.

The blue jay calls me out to stay, watch and be in what is happening now as it takes place.

It is a reminder to rest in now, the space where God speaks most clearly.

The Messages in Numbers

Number two represents unity, partnership or witness in the Bible. Now, if I were to see two blue jays, it would be a message communicating how relationships are vital to me. I guess it could be just another call to take my relationship with a friend or family member. biblical meaning of seeing a blue jay bird

The number three is special because it represents divine completeness in the Bible. As such, three blue jays are a strong signal of spiritual completeness, to tell me that I am never alone in God’s light and love.

The number four is tied to the physical world, like seasons or directions. Seeing four blue jays together is a sign of God being able to create a foundation in my life, either health-wise or at work, home and spiritually.

Number five suggests elegance and recovery in the Bible. When I see five blue jays, I meditate on the love of God.

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