Blue Avian Starseed: Markings & Traits

Blue Avian Starseed: Markings, Traits, Characteristics:

It is about cosmic communication

“I am the way and the truth and the life.” — John 14:6

Blue Avian starseeds have been the one faction that has always peaked my interest due to their means of communication.

Like they have some sort of language that goes beyond what I know.

It is an unspoken bond unlike no other.

Celestial beings are called “Messengers of Light” in ancient texts, and Blue Avians fit that title to a tee. But their comms aren’t just about words, they cross over the third dimension into telepathy and sensing unspeakable emotions.

Communication is the prime directive for a Blue Avian.

They have no sugar coating and can be difficult to learn from because it involves a lot of inner work. E

very time I work with the Blue Avians, what always strikes me is how their presence can quiet an entire room without them even having to exert any power. blue avian starseed

There is something so true about their energy, it allows others to be truthful as well.

Blue Avians traverse between realms as cosmic intermediaries, linking the known with the unknown, working as translators of cosmic information

This unique talent surfaces from an early age, with Blue Avians finding themselves naturally charmed by languages or symbols even ancient symbols and hieroglyphs.

They have dreams of ancient symbols that they feel like they know. And through these markings, be they physical or energetic, are gateways to other faculties of the mind.

Unique Physical Markings

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.” — John 1:1

A Blue Avian starseed has several physical markings, which are unique. blue avians

Often they are not actual birthmarks, but subtler energy patterns on their bodies.

At other times, these markings take on geometric forms such as triangles or patterns circles upon circles.

Those who are sensitive to energy fields will be able to detect them even if they aren’t visible on a naked-eye basis.

Many of the Blue Avian starseeds will feel tingling in some areas on their skin or a sensitivity to the touch.

This goes along with a boost in telepathy or healing powers.

Some even witness light circles that represent the sacred geometry.

These scars are a memory of their celestial heritage.

They become more pronounced when a starseed is stepping further into their mission.

They are felt with the physical body when we spiritually awaken or are in a crisis.

Many people have told me that when they meditate, glowing areas often suddenly appear on these marks or become more evident.


“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” — 2 Corinthians 5:7

One of the most notable qualities I have found in Blue Avian starseeds, is their emotional intelligence. avian starseed

This is not mere human empathy; it is cosmic empathy.

They can feel the electric current of emotions in the universe, like a sixth sense that makes them feel disconnected in regular situations.

Their emotions run deep. Some say that they have felt every human feeling in one lifetime.

They hold up the world, not as if it is too heavy of a load, but fully aware that they are here to inspire.

When Blue Avians are overstimulated, they need time by themselves to let the intensity of what they are feeling be integrated.

They turn to meditation for refuge, a space in which for them to slow down and centre.

It is about peace

“Be still, and know that I am God.” — Psalm 46:10

The predominant feature of the Blue Avians is their immense avian starseed traits

Amidst the chaos, they are the calm everyone else needs.

They are amazingly grounded, and no matter what is happening apparently outside they bring this peace energy.

In my meditations with Blue Avian starseeds, I feel a great pool of inner peace that lies deep within them.

Kind of like they have accessed some rare form of the loving presence of a higher power that so few experience.

This kind of peace is not lazy, but it is strong and life-changing.

It is what they are made of, it is their ground, their anchor.

They always find their center, no matter how much turmoil is ensuing around them.

That is why they are such gifted healers and spiritual guides.

Higher Realms

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” — John 1:5

The higher realms come naturally to the Blue Avian Starseeds.avian starseed markings

They are in tune with the worlds of spirit which are far removed from physical reality as most people know it.

And in my talks with students, a good number of them report incredibly vivid dreams or astral travels where they are meeting beings of light and receiving messages from their celestial guides.

It appears as improved intuition or flashes of awareness.

The problem being that the Blue Avians are natural channels and will often pick up on input from higher realms with out knowing it.

Others resonate with angelics or remember living in a higher dimension.

This is why they are on a mission on Earth, to raise the collective consciousness of humanity.

The Blue Avians, rarely feel the aloneness that accompanies exile into the physical form of 3D.

They do not rely on the messages they get and follow these to have a human adventure, pulling others out of hell as well.

It is about wisdom

“Let the wise listen and add to their learning.” — Proverbs 1:5

They come with a knowing that belies their avians meaning

This is not the wisdom of living, but more an ancient knowing.

Old souls that bare the cosmic knowledge within them. From a very young age their natural wisdom separates them from other children.

As children, they are often referred to as “wise beyond their years” or labeled as an “old soul.”

So many people who have encountered Blue Avians say this.

In a way this epitomizes how this wisdom translates into everyday life.

Blue Avian starseeds have the gift of seeing the unprecedented image.

They do not allow themselves to be derailed by the momentary defeats because they know these are just small parts of the bigger picture.

Radiant Energy

“You are the light of the world.” — Matthew 5:14

And, the thing that amazes me most about Blue Avians is their vibrational light.what is a blue avian

It is an energy that people gravitate to. It is not overpowering.

It is a persistent, soft light that shines the way for others.

This radiant energy is what makes Blue Avians natural healers and spiritual guides.

I watched the way people flocked to them for wisdom, and solace (even if they did not realize it was a spiritual leader that provided each).

Because without saying a word, their very atmosphere heals all.

Once they are delivered in full alignment, that light gets even brighter.

The Blue Avians help raise Earth’s vibration simply by existing and allowing their energy to ripple out, touching everyone on our planet.

It is about love

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love.” — Galatians 5:22

Blue Avians are always busy somewhere making a difference.avians

They have the ability to feel others pain as their own, being born empaths.

They are aware of the suffering that exists around them.

They have a calling to repair through energy work or holistic practices.

The biggest thing that impresses me about them, is the fact that they give so much without expecting anything in return. It is the purest of all.

The real do-gooders out there never do it for the praise or accolades.

They just want to be of service to others. And people notice this.

People are attracted to these Blue Avians because just their being there has an influence on the atmosphere.

They have a calming and healing effect.

One of the things I have noticed about them is that they make folks feel SAFE and UNDERSTOOD in their presence.what are blue avians

They simply magnetize people who needs help or who are lost.

Another way their empathy comes through is in their relationship with animals and nature.

A lot of Blue Avians do not seem to distinguish between humans and animals.


“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” — Matthew 6:33

Blue Avian starseeds have an insatiable drive to search for more.

They have felt an enormous void in their life, a gnawing sense of dissatisfaction.

This has led them to try many spiritual practices,

They feel like a mystical vagabond wandering in the mysteries of avian meaning

They regularly resonate with the old wisdom, particularly those from no longer existent civilizations such as Atlantis or Lemuria.


“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” — Matthew 6:21

Their purpose for being here is to help humanity.

Their purpose is one of altruism where they utilize their traits in order to help other people become better.

The Blue Avians know that they are limited in time and space to have a deep impact on Earth!

This purpose is usually an inherent feeling that developed at a young age.

When you speak to Blue Avians they have a sense of something greater that they are here to do.

They just cannot always define what it is.avian alien

The unique characteristic of the Blue Avians is their stubborn insistence on what benefits everyone.

They have no personal interests, only the interest of Mankind and Planet Earth.

They know that real happiness comes from doing thing for other people and the higher good.

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