Blue Bird – 8 Spiritual Meanings

Blue Bird Spiritual Meaning:


“The heavens declare the glory of God.” – Psalm 19:1

Blue birds represent a strong link to the heavens.

The colour they belong to the sky and the endless.

Little wonder then that many ancient cultures saw these birds as messengers from the heavens.

In my experience, blue birds symbolise the divine bringing messages across from other worlds and realms.

I know when I see a blue bird that the sky is talking to me and it wants me to hear what the universe has to say.

The bluebird whispers there is more to life than meets the eye.


“We are all one, all facets of the same light.” – Lao Tzu

One of the most significant totems, blue bird symbolizes onterconnectedness. Blue Bird - 10 Spiritual Meanings

Every time I see a blue bird, I realize the fact that we are not separate beings.

It speaks to the balance of what it means to be a complete human being.

I honor every part of myself, not separating out the physical from the emotional or cognitive realms.

Its presence brings with it a time for healing, of reconciliation or understanding between people.

During times of conflict, it shows up so I am moved to achieve equilibrium, and to keep a positive flow of energy between me and others.

It is about emotional release

“The bird of paradise alights only on the hand that does not grasp.” – John Berry

If the blue bird were a teacher, one of its biggest lessons would be to sit you down in a room, and teach you the art of letting go. blue bird meaning

This is a blessing of incalculable value, as most of us — myself included — barely manage to surrender.

Emotional baggage of every past hurt, disappointment, unfulfilled expectation…its like an invisible anchor that prevents from moving anything further.

Many times spiritually, I am tied to a wound or belief that haunts my past.

As the message of the blue bird goes: let it all go.

Create space for what you want in your life. It is not a denial of my experiences.

It is an act, instead, of freeing myself from the emotional chains that bind me to suffering — it frees me from pain, fear or regret. blue bird spiritual meaning

Watching the lightness of the blue bird I understand my own weight.

I have permission to be more free, if only I allow myself to release my hold on all these things.

For me, letting go is about forgiving what the universe has thrown into my path and make peace with the fact that it was meant to be part of my adventure rather than allowing it to control who i am.

In this surrender, I feel a refreshed lightness, opportunity and availability to what might come to pass.


“Joy is not in things; it is in us.” – Richard Wagner

Bue birds have been considered harbingers of happiness because they have brought an external and entertaining feeling from outside within us but. what does it mean when you see a blue bird

They makes us go and look for happiness ourselves.

My experience with them is that they represent a pause, a reflection, an opportunity for me to reconnect with the joy that lies buried deep from within.

Blue birds tend to cross our paths at times when I’m being asked to get back the joy I may have lost.

The Herculean tasks I deal with in my daily lives can quelch the fun out of happiness. But, the bluebird suggests me that joy is not something I chase outside, but create inside.

Spiritually, the blue color of the bird represents a time for renewal.

Joy is on its way and it is here to stay if I accept it with open arms. seeing a blue bird meaning

The blue bird helps me realize that even though I am going through a tough time, happiness is avaliable if I chose to look for it.

It is about wisdom

“Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot.” – Rumi

Blue birds are in fact seekers and always on the move.

This feels like a very strong representation for me about the path of human spiritual development.

My journey to evolve, learn and ascend in consciousness.

Wisdom isn’t static. It’s not something we achieve once and then keep forever.

It is not a rigid, fixed path.

It is a path that adjusts with me as I continue on in life and accumulate new knowledge.

One thing blue birds have taught me along the way, is to go with this process of change and growth, anyway.

They mirror my insatiable need to grow, explore and learn. what does it mean when you see a bluebird

In spiritual terms, this could be a sign to stop and think about my place on the path of wisdom.

Wisdom does not just mean knowing some empirical facts.

It is a deep intuitiveness to the energies and forces that form my life.

It is all about identifying trends; interpreting the wind of life, feeling for its directional undertow and becoming aware of nuances that usually escape attention.

And so much of this wisdom cannot be found in textbooks or classrooms but in life, by experiencing, witnessing with the heart and understanding as deeply as possible what each moment is teaching you.

The blue bird tells me to continue claiming this seeker identity, an energy that remains open and receptive to learn.


“Peace begins with a smile.” – Mother Teresa

From what I can tell, the emergence of a blue bird is signaling me closer to embodying peace within chaos. what does it mean spiritually when you see a bluebird

I need to take my time and enjoy each moment.

There are times that I catch myself moving so fast through life I have to backtrack because I was too busy.

Blue birds promote mindfulness and present moment awareness. I consider these the two most important practices necessary to be sane.

Spiritual Awakening

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” – Maya Angelou

I view seeing a blue bird as a signal that am going to be heading into some form of spiritual awakening.

The bird in this case is usually representative of a higher state of consciousness. what does seeing a blue bird mean

The bluebird is an airy, intangible bird that seems to bridge the gap between my present life and otherworldly existence which would take me to nirvana.

Based on what I know, blue birds start to appear when there is a deep spiritual change.

The road to spiritual enlightenment is certainly not an easy one. However, the blue bird just says not to worry you are on the right path.


“I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.” – Nikos Kazantzakis

Blue birds are all about being your true self and living life freely.

They have so much color to them. what does it mean to see a blue bird

They seem so unashamed of being and singing.

To me, they are a spiritual prod to my voice and speak without fear.

I have a light to shine, only mine and the world needs my true voice.

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