Doors Opening By Themselves Spiritual Meaning

When it comes to anything paranormal, I tend to just roll my eyes every time.

However, a door opening in the room while meditating (and there’s no one else around) is quite hard to brush off easily.

My first impression was that my brain was fabricating this.

And this had me quite intrigued.

I thought it must have some spiritual meaning.

Doors Opening By Themselves – Spiritual Meanings:

They are about transition

“I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.” – Revelation 3:8

I find doors to be super mysterious.

They are the gateway to a foreign land in my mind.

I still have a few memories of weird doors, after all. Doors Opening By Themselves Spiritual Meaning

On an evening, I returned from work after too many hours at the office with plenty of time spent thinking about changing my job.

Then, out of nowhere, a door that I would swear was closed opened.

My first reaction was fear. And I was intrigued by it at the same time.

Later, the job change I had been contemplating felt so much like a sharp defeat, not knowing how to go on. And that open door was like a kick in my butt from the Universe to do something about it.

As such, the opened door was a metaphoric doorway. spiritual meaning of hearing a door open

It made me no longer attach to the old ways — that I had learned were not for my higher good.

It was a hard transition that forced me to use all of my fears.

Every step forward only served to remind my heart that this was the better way.

They are about releasing negative energy

“Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.” – John Barrymore

One theory that I have come across states that doors opening on their own is a direct result of negative energy being dispensed from the room.

A door can open, and a room might get fresh air.

At the same time, they are means for negative energies to get out of my house.

This tells me it is time to let go of old habits. spiritual meaning of door opening by itself

I realize that this environment is a reflection of what is really going on within me.

And then a door opens out of nowhere, and I ignore the BIGGEST SIGN from above.

A thought that reminds me, you know what; it’s absolutely alright to ride this wave and gradually let go of the toxic energy packed in your system over a while.

Yes, my ongoing succumbing to fear may just be another way I am holding myself back but then those are the times when I have to decide if this truly is a safe space for me after all.

A swinging door is enough to give me pause as it swings open.

It all makes sense now because my subconscious was only trying to get rid of the bad vibe.

If I can (it is also not so simple because my monkey mind doesn’t leave me in peace), new positive abilities come into the light.

They are about connecting with the spiritual realm

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell

spiritual meaning of doors opening

In Southern America, a door opening by herself is believed by a good portion of the population to be a spirit trying to communicate.

There, it is known that at these times (during the night or when a paranormal event happens), the veil between this world and spirit gets thin enough to allow spirits communication.

I am pretty sure that when a door is opening (without any reasonable motive), it indicates that a spirit guide is assisting.

I came to understand that I have choices in these moments — to listen to the spirit guide.

The advice comes to me as if the Universe is “conspiring” to happen.

They are about intuition

“Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.” – Oprah

door opening by itself meaning

As far as I am concerned, whenever a door opens on its own – that is my sign to listen more closely to my desires.

The Universe is guiding me to be at one with myself.

The time to get our act together is now.

Probably the most important tool on my spiritual path is intuition.

It calls to me like a GPS within my being that guides me through the labyrinth of life.

When a door opens out of nowhere, that is my spirit guide telling me to listen to my intuition.

I definitely must pay attention to my intuition more often.

They are about protection

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1

what does it mean when your door opens by itself

An open door can also be the Universe protecting me — yeah, I know lots strange. But that is so liberating to me.

All these spiritual beings who are watching me are actually making me feel safer.

I know that an attunement to the subtle vibrations assists in my continuing journey into spiritual understanding.

I rely on higher powers to guide me along the right course in my life.

It helps me keep my senses open to the vibes.

So whenever a door opens as when it pleases, for me that is how Universe says I am safe.

They are about embracing the unknown

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” – Rumi

dream of door opening by itself

If doors open in my home by themselves, I take that as the Universe makes me explore its wonder.

It asks me to continue to press on this journey of life. It fills me with the spirit of asking my way forward.

Well, I certainly can and indeed have at times on my spiritual path that has asked me to question the unspoken.

It was such a shock to my system when these experiences were happening at first, and I partly had the feeling of losing it.

Therefore, I have realized that doors opening by themselves is a sign to embrace the unknown.

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