Spiritual Meanings Of Gecko In The House

Spiritual Meaning Of Gecko In The House:

Detachment and Non-Attachment

“The root of suffering is attachment.” — Buddha

The gecko losing its tail is probably the thing that I connect with most deeply.

It represents inner strength and non-attachment.

It is a spiritual lesson of protecting the core energy I must release.

Having a gecko coming into my home is like an on purpose hint from the Universe to reinfirect myself and practice non attachment in these other ways.

I have found on the spiritual path, that attachment is an obstruction to finding the calm within myself.

This is a supportive way of realizing that I’m potentially living too much in the past.

It is about protection

“I am the light of the world.” — John 8:12

Geckos were believed in ancient cultures to protect against curses and evil spirits. Spiritual Meanings Of Gecko In The House

It gives me some sort of comfort that when a gecko appears in my house, it can be helping me to maintain the energetic boundaries.

I have found this especially to be true when there are hurricanes of emotions or unsettled events happening in my life.

The little gecko protected me. He had been my universe sending a helping hand.


“It is not the strongest of the species that survive…” — Charles Darwin

When the gecko comes into my world, it helps to move more gracefully through the change.

Knowing that, I can reach out and draw strength from the world around me. gecko spiritual meaning

The gecko, on a spiritual level teachs me how to flow with the rest of life when aligning with my own natural rhythms.

When we become rigid with our circumstances, is when suffering happens.

It is about patience

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” — Leo Tolstoy

Geckos are like ninjas.

They stealthily wander about and their silent presence is an example of the quiet manifestation in spirituality.

Growth that is silently, patiently happening behind the scenes.

So when a gecho finds its way inside my house, I see it as a sign that everything happens for a reason. gecko spirit animal

Spiritual growth in the same way when we grow. It is a glacial process that is hardly noticed.

You cannot see us changing day to day anymore than you can see the gecko change its skin each morning.

Sitting in the quiet this morning, I was understood that transformation is taking place even if immediate results aren’t immediately visible.

The gecko tells me that I am evolving spiritually even if it is not always apparent.

It says trust the system, and that it will take time. The gecko shows me that not everything has to proceed hastily.


“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson

One of the most interesting things about a gecko is it can drop his tail when attacked and regrow it. gecko symbolism

It’s such an amazing representative of perseverance.

No matter what I endure or lose, healing and restoration are always within reach.

If a gecko crosses my path and enters my home, I find it to be a spiritual sign that I need perseverance in my life.

It is about observation

“You learn more by listening to others than by speaking.” — Dalai Lama

Geckos are typically found sitting on walls or ceilings, where they watch the world go by fairly silently. what do geckos symbolize

It is a spiritual point of view, that some times onlookers teaches us the greatest philosophy of silent observation.

The gecko helps me to stop and observe and listen before reacting.


“There is a place where the spiritual and the physical meet, and you are in the middle.” — Anonymous

Every time I come across a gecko, I always marvel at the fact that they seem to inhabit liminal spaces — doorways, windows and thresholds.

These are special places where flesh meets spirit.

To me, the gecko sits as a sentinel between worlds, watching over the current of energy from my home to the beyond.

When geckos pick these areas in my house, I take it as spiritual energies ushering into my area. what do geckos represent

The gecko seems to be a guardian at my gate, regulating and balancing the energy coming into my house.

I need to be aware of the spiritual current in my life especially when I am entering phases of transition.

It is about communication

“The way we communicate is in rhythm, the way nature works is in rhythm.” — Tori Amos

I love hearing geckos talk to one another.

They are sometimes so subtly that you wouldn’t even know they are doing it.

This brings me back to the deeper, more subtle forms of spiritual communication. gecko meaning spiritual

This tells me I am becoming more psychically aware.

I’m more willing to listen and watch for the quieter ways that life speaks through intuition, dreams, synchronicities.

It is about spiritual insight

“You will see more with closed eyes than with open ones.” — Anonymous

If I find a gecko in my house, it always warms my heart as it is nothing but a sign that my psychic abilities are strong today.

I see geckos travel soundlessly and I feel this is my return to listening to my gut before everything else.

My intuition acts as my internal compass through the maze of spiritual life. spiritual meaning of gecko

Many times I have found that my mind can get in the way of my spiritual truth. However, the gecko has taught me to listen to my intuition.

I experience this the most at key times in my life.

When that occurs, the sight of a gecko is an indication to trust myself and what has been imbedded within me.

The Unseen

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” — Carl Jung

Gecko is a night time creature and it thrives in the dark.

This makes me think of doing shadow work, having to look at and acknowledge the parts of me I would rather not. gecko animal totem

Every time I see a gecko in my home, I start this work within myself and go through the different facets of my psyche.

Gecko is a symbol that helps guide me into that dark and reveal my innermost self.

A genuine spiritual expansion is in seeing and owning my shadow aspects.

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