Green Lacewing In House Spiritual Meanings

Green Lacewing – Spiritual Meaning:


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

The appearance of a green lacewing in my home feels like renewal may be possible.

I take it as a sign of personal growth every time I come across one.

Sometimes life throws us at a situation forces us to break the cycle and start with fresh beginnings.

To me the green lacewing is a symbol of this process of molting and becoming anew.

Its fragile but unwavering wings show that change takes tenderness but it also needs power.

Lacewings are natural predators of other insects and start their life off by consuming pests. Green Lacewing In House Spiritual Meanings

I feel a little bit the same way in that I have to get rid of all the bad seeds before I can really grow.

It is about protection

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings…” – Psalm 91:4

When a green lacewing hangs around the living room, it gives me a mild feeling of safety.

The same way lacewings save the plant from the bad insects, it seems they also carry that protecting energy into my domain.

Doing so has helped me come to believe that their presence is basically like someone looking out for me when I need help from forces unseen.

This quietness is a peripheral reflection of the spiritual guardianship I forget.

It is an example of how not all guarding has to bang loudly on the door. Green Lacewing - Spiritual Meaning

The strength of the lacewing lies in its softness.

It has not bitten to be recognised.

To me, if someone comes into my house it really signifies that the other forces in my life are actually bending over backward to keep things right on key for me.

It is about balance

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” – 2 Corinthians 5:7

Best of all, the green lacewing symbolizes balance on a spiritual level as well.

As other insects, lacewings participate in the intricate balance of ecosystem predator and prey/life and death/growth and decay.

When they turn up in my home, i know that something is being put back into balance in my life .

The lacewing flies in silence, helping me to understant that calibrations are of undeniable importance. spiritual meaning of green lacewing

Balance is not always about what I see as equal.

The unseen energies are just as shifting moving through everything. And yet, harmony I believe is more like the tiny lacewing.

It comes through small modifications. I now knwo that stillness births balance.


“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin

Green lacewings may seem fragile beings, but they are also quite persistent.

Considered nocturnal, they work in shadows when no one is around to notice.

This determination to remain silent, seems like a very spiritual based idea.

It is a perpetual symbol that upon entering my home, I must return to the fulfillment of my personal and spiritual work. lacewing spiritual meaning

This must happen even when it appears that no results are seen at all.

The lacewing teachesme that I can be persistent, even though nobody is aware of it.

At times it seems as if all the efforts we invest in our lives, no one seems to notice.

The lacewing is also not in it for the credit.

This teaches me that the silence of the perseverer is powerful.

It inspires me to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, even when it feels like nothing is actually going anywhere.


“The breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding.” – Job 32:8

I have always felt like the lacewing was a representation of light being attracted to be more present in my perception.

When a green lacewing crosses my path. is what tells me to believe in myself.

I like to think of these little creatures as indicators of heightened spiritual enlightenment. green lacewing symbolism

So as they feel their way through the darkness, I think maybe I need to learn to trust in my inner light.

A lacewing will appear and it is telling me to follow my intuition.

The level has whispers, not shouts. What the lacewing is saying to connect to that higher knowing!


“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” – Luke 16:10

The intricate green lacewing also instructs me in the beauty of small things.

It is thought through down to the smallest detail, nothing is thrown in just for show.

For me spiritually, it makes me focus on the little things in my life or when I walk into my home and all of a sudden something hits me. green lacewing meaning

Lacewings function in the universe of minuscule insects, small holes and ‘here for one moment then gone the next.

I have come to realize it is normally the small changes in life that cause the highest harmony.

So as the lacewing lives through micro-movements in its surroundings, I can find a more genuine harmony if I paid attention to these incredible details that eludes my awareness.


“To everything, there is a season.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

The lifecycle of the green lacewing reflects the changes I undergo throughout my life.

Each stage, even if it starts out hard, has a reason.

When I see a lacewing in my home, I always take it as a clear message that Im going through the growth of change.

Each phase is critical to its survival.

It is about simplicity

“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion.” – Lao Tzu

The translucent wings and soft glow of the green lacewing talk to me about simplicity. green lacewing in house

If a lacewing ever flies into my home, it is a sign for me to clean things up.

For me, there is something meditative about the presence of a green lacewing.

I am most taken with those moments of silence, when the noise of life drops away and I can concentrate on what really counts.

The lacewing whispers that wisdom and beauty are often in simplicity.


“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” – Psalm 127:1

Green lacewings are a gardener’s natural defense against bad bugs.

To me, they are a protective presence when one shows up in my home. lacewing in house

Lighting it tells me my home is spiritually safe and I need to maintain its good energy and balanced state.

The lacewing appearing is a signal to take this time to cleanse the energies in my home.

It makes me feel secure. It as if someone is watching over and guarding my place.

Spiritual Communication

“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

The green lacewing says nothing, except all the energy that goes into silent spiritual communication.

Each time one arrives I see it as a sign from the universe, albeit quiet but significant.

A lesson that spiritual messages are not always thunderous and clear, but soft spoken whispers one must slow down to hear. green lacewings in house

The green lacewing inspires me to create the space for stillness, because there is always room to listen and receive the ancient teachings of the Universe.


“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.” – Jeremiah 17:14

Healing is not always a straight line. A lacewing appearing in my house means there is some deep healing that needs to take place.

This healing can be reflecting and even forgiving myself and others.

It spurs me on to slap out old baggage and purify my spirit so I can taste peace again.

The green lacewing even also tells me I need to pay more attention to my bodily processes.

Green is the color of life and taking care of my body as well as nature itself.

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