Guided Meditation For Heartbreak

Heartbreak is a personal experience.

The end of a romantic relationship, the loss of a loved one, or any other heavy emotional separation can leave us in a state of complete emotional destruction.

This heartbreak guided meditation is created to help you through your pain, empower yourself from within and find inner peace.

This guided meditation for heartbreak is 15 minutes long, and you can buy it for $10 via Stripe. You can find samples here.

Guided Meditation For Heartbreak

If you don’t want to use my guided meditation for heartbreak, no problem. I have put together a guide on how to practice meditation after a heartbreak.

Steps For A Meditation For Heartbreak:

Preparation Steps For A Meditation For Heartbreak

In order to start the process of healing, one must create a safe haven, a protected place where you can be vulnerable and open.

Sit down in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted.

Create an ambiance by lighting a candle, playing music, or using essential oils such as lavender or chamomile.

Find a comfortable seat on a cushion or a lying position with a nice soft blanket.

This is your haven with which you may heal your heart, and nobody can judge you or go through the door to interrupt you.

Connect with Your Breath Guided Meditation for Heartbreak, Healing

Breath is the bridge between the mind and the body and it is key in helping to soothe the surge of emotions that come from heartbreak.

Begin by taking deep breaths through your nose, then slowly exhale through your mouth.

Pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing.

By taking the time to engage in this simple and meditative act of breathing, it works to lessen the negative emotions, fear and panic, then drawing your control back to yourself.

Acknowledge and Accept Your Emotions Guided Meditation for Healing Broken Hearts

Heartbreaks tend to bring about a bundle of emotions: anger, sadness, confusion, and sometimes even relief.

The beautiful thing about this step is that you do not need to judge yourself for having these feelings.

Hold that breath for yourself, and as you do breathe in, remind yourself silently: “I feel my pain. I accept my emotions.

This can help you learn to accept your emotions instead of bottling them up and develop self-compassion.

Guided Visualization for Heart Healing Can meditation help with heartbreak

Sit down for a moment and close your eyes -picture a warm, golden light surrounding your heart.

This light is healing energy.

Picture this light as it enters your heart with each breath, easing the hurt and wrapping you up in love.

With every breath out, think about the ache and sorrow exiting your body.

Release the Past and Forgiving Yourself Get Over Your Ex Meditation

I think the toughest thing about heartbreak is learning to stop holding onto the past and allowing yourself to forgive the part of you that believes it was all your fault.

Now, while during your meditation, see a river flowing in front of you.

Think of putting all of your should-have, to-have, and never-going-to-happen thoughts on a leaf and letting it float downstream.

Watch it drift down the stream to signify how you are letting go of all these kinds of negativity.

Cultivate Self-Love

Heartbreak affects us and our self-esteem heavily.

Take this meditation as a chance to work on self-love. Put your fast hands on your heart, and say in your mind:

“I am loved, I am whole, I matter.”

Picture this heat going out of your hands to your chest and then radiating to your entire body, filling it with love and forgiveness.

Embrace New Beginnings

As your meditation ends, focus on the fresh starts to come.

Broken hearts are in the middle of the end of one chapter but the beginning of another.

Imagine that a door in front of you opens, and on the other side is a pretty path flooded by light.

This course is the path the future holds — complete with new opportunities, new experiences, and new relationships.

Try to be grateful for those experiences, for the things you learn and for the person you are becoming. Welcome this new chapter with an open heart and an open mind.

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