Hadarian Starseed Birthmark & Physical Traits

Hadarian Starseed – Birthmarks & Physical Traits:

It is about cosmic markers

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” – Psalm 139:14

Birthmarks are imprints from Hadarian Starseeds.

They say that despite their current earthy flesh, many Hadarians are born with identifying birthmarks that inform where they have come from among the stars.

These marks have shown up as specific symbols, even to the point of constellations or sacred geometries.

They do not appear randomly but are thought to be powerful symbols of the soul contract that they made with the Creator.

The marks were usually placed in spots with strong energy channels, such as up the spine, on or near the skull, around the heart center etc.

I found that Hadarians would feel activity or warmth in these areas.

This warmth will often occur if they are placed into loving and high-vibrating environments. Hadarian Starseed Birthmark & Physical Traits

Birthmarks are viewed as variations in pigment, but to a Hadarian, they are much more than that.

The birthmark is a gateway that continually calls them back to Hadar—their soul node.

A few Hadarians feel they have been given downloads of cosmic knowledge or had vivid dreams after meditating on their starseed birthmarks.

It is about soft eyes

“The eyes are the window to your soul.” – William Shakespeare

The eyes are one of the most noticeable physical characteristics of Hadarian Starseeds.

Seeking into a Hadarian’s gloomy depths, you could mistake it for observing the cosmos at large. But on the other side, their eyes are usually so soft yet deep immeasurably — almost as if they were carrying across the centuries of being steadfast in faith and unconditional love.

The color of Hadarian eyes can be any color, but usually green and blue.

Their size is generally bigger than the average eyes. hadarian starseed physical traits

Their eyes are alight, glowing even at the most ordinary times, but particularly around those they truly love.

That being said, it is the powerful tie they form to their emotions that makes Hadarian eyes recognizably unique.

They only don’t see someone but the person inside.

Their look connects with people on a soul level.

It is about the heart-centered aura

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” – Colossians 3:14

Hadarian Starseeds make the people around them feel calm.

This type of aura is also apparent in how they look.

Hadarians who channel light usually maintain an open posture, meaning they visibly keep their shoulders back and chest somewhat forward by virtue of feeling physically linked to love. hadarian energy meaning

They just wake up and be in that posture.

They are not choosing it actively — this is how they naturally pour out their energy through it.

The Hadarian aura has a particular fascination in the healing field.

Many Hadarians can heal emotional wounds with just their presence, and it’s felt even by those untrained.

To me, their aura acts as a transmitter of this unconditional love that is fed up from their heart and spreads outwards to the surrounding energy fields.

This is why Hungarians are usually counselors or healers when they do not start a profession in healing.

It is about the connection to energy

“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” – Job 33:4

Because Hadarians are so closely connected to their environment, this shows up in their bodies, typically in the skin. hadarian starseed

A good number of Hadarians actually do have a sensitivity issue.

Beyond that, it is not only a physical attribute but is deeply tied to their spiritual sensitivity.

It is a protector and it is also somewhat of a receiver. It absorbs energies rather than letting them interfere with the true center where the individual dwells.

I have found that Hadarians are naturally drawn to using organic and natural skincare products not only because they are healthy for the skin but, some believe, also resonate with their energy.

There are even ways in which negatively charged ions will help protect and sustain life.

It is about the flow of love

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” – Song of Solomon 4:7

Hadarians exhibit an easy grace that reflects their profound inner peace. hadarian starseed traits

They have infinite flexibility and adaptation to the rhythm of the planet.

We can not teach ourselves this trait — it is innate.

The truth of their connection to the stream of love that encompasses every aspect of them shows up in their body.

Their physical presence is often a mix of strength and softness on the part of Hadarians.

They even do really physical things mindfully and with grace.

It is about the high sensitivity

“I am the light of the world.” – John 8:12

Hadarians register incoming energy as one of their hallmarks.

This sensitivity and emotional awareness usually show up in their physical form as well since they are extremely sensitive to the vibrational frequencies of patterns around them. hadarian starseed markings

Many of the Hadarians can walk into a room and know exactly what everybody present is feeling and or doing energetically.

This can work in both positives and negatives as it opens them to pick up energies that are not theirs.

With this greater awareness comes the tendency of Hadarians to be more sensitive to dense energy and a general need at times for them to be alone to re-energize and clear out their energy field.

Feeling overwhelmed in crowded or emotionally charged environments, without boundaries people can become worn out by the negative energy. But in the energy of love and harmony, their energy blooms.

In physical terms, this sensitivity manifests as tightness within the body, felt most acutely in the shoulders, neck and sometimes even the head.

The nose, sinuses or throat — this is another area full of nerve endings in a Hadarian body and many report suffering from headaches here or tightness, which would indicate that they are holding someone else’s energy.

Hadarians must also learn how to set energetic boundaries and realize that regular self-care is important for keeping them physically and spiritually healthy.

It is about the fragrance of love

“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 2:15

Hadarian Starseeds have a very distinctive global trait of being exceptional in smell. hadarian starseed birthmarks

Hadarians can smell very subtle aromas, for example, from flowers, herbs and essential oils.

This sensitivity is just another way they are tied to energy and vibrations since fragrances have their frequency as well.

The smell of roses, lavender or sandalwood can evoke responses from certain deep emotional pathways.

Synthetic scents can be overbearing — and, in the worst cases, actually capable of causing headaches.

From what I have noticed through personal experience, many Hadarians will utilize the sense of smell as a way to raise their vibration.

Smell is not physical, as it goes deeper into them to help breathe in a sense of reality and a soulful purpose.

It is about the smile

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22

Hadarians can have very warm, beaming smiles that light up a whole room. But this smile is not a facial feature. hadarian starseed birthmarks on body

It is an embodiment of their soul in love.

A Hadarian who smiles usually ends up with an unconditionally loving expression of energy.

Hadarian smiles are sincere, with a luminescence that emanates their inner light. It is not fake.

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