Hearing Angels Sing Spiritual Meanings

Hearing Angels Sing – Spiritual Meaning:

It is about a celestial connection

“For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.” – Psalm 91:11

The sound of angels singing makes me realize that existence is so much more than we can experience as human beings.

In these times of worship it seems that the veil between this physical world and the spiritual world grows thinner as God comes into our midst.

The voice of angels in the form of singing, represents guidance, protection and a deeper connection with higher spheres.

I have learned after all of these years listening to them that they are not only music to my ears but messengers a grace reassuring me who I am in the universe.

It tells us a whole lot about our spiritual journey and how in tune we are with the big picture of the universe. Hearing Angels Sing Spiritual Meanings

The fact that so many others who have felt this seemingly supernatural relaxation say it was similar to a moment of clarity suggests the presence of a higher beings ready to help us and show us where we need to go.

Divine energy

“Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His hosts!” – Psalm 148:2

Hearing angels sing only deepen my faith in the scale of the spiritual reality we live in.

For myself, when these moments hit closer to home it feels as though the universe is extending a hand.

The universe is sympathizing with me and telling me that I will figure it out in the big scheme of things.

It is about hope

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid.'” – Luke 2:10

Listening to angelic music says hope to me. hearing angels sing spiritual meaning

Not just in an extreme that offers me momentary comfort, but with the kind of deep-seated truth I need to know I am not alone.

The angels voices bring wisdom, insight, comfort and guidance and are given to me in times of extreme change which helps to calm my fears.

I think when angels sing they make the kind of love that is divine, so pure it heals the soul.


“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” – Psalm 91:11

The music of angels provides a form of solace.

They are divine protectors, keeping us safe from physical and spiritual harm. hearing angels sing meaning

Their hymns protect the soul as well as give succor, a sign from above of divine intervention occurring.

It is during these times that I feel worst about the idea, that we are watched-over only in grand crises and not in every-day events.

That the heavenly host is watching, and in attuning myself to this divine insurance I begin to feel more supported.

Sound bath

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God.” – Luke 2:13

Sometimes the angelic choir is perceived as a choir of many angels united in song with their voices harmonizing together.

All this makes for a joint song that is so indescribably beautiful it could make you cry. angels singing in the bible

Like the gates of Heaven have opened and shown me a different realm.

A sound bath from heaven, where each note is redemption with my soul.

It is about worship

“Let all the angels of God worship Him.” – Hebrews 1:6

At the foundation of angelic music, there is worship. The chants of these beings are anthems to the sacred.

When I am privileged to listen to those hymns it is as if they invite me into their worshipful relationship.

This wasn’t just about hearing music, it was to be your other-half into something even bigger. do angels sing

In these moments that life is not simply about money or material success or earthly pursuits.

Its about raising my frequency to the level of loving, thanking, and revering the divine.

It is about the glory of creation

“Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels…” – Revelation 5:11

The beautiful and enthralling sound of angels singing, call me to be an awe-struck witness to their powerful presence.

Multitudes upon multitudes of their voices are so great it is as though a chorus of divine support is available to me at any time in any place.

Each moment is an opportunity to touch the infinite again.

It is about heaven

“Angels ascend and descend upon the Son of Man.” – John 1:51

I experience the singing of angels as a highway between heaven and earth, where angels resonate my awareness ABOVE every problem. do angels sing in the bible

The way that these heavenly melodies feel in my ear, fills me with hope, uplifts me and can transport me to another dimension considering how the world is today.

This perspective offers me a new vantage point on my life.


“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and delivers them.” – Psalm 34:7

Whenever I hear angels sing, they are releasing an energy of freedom.

I have had experiences where listening to angelic music has the energy of a burden being lifted from my soul.

That salvation may not be instantaneous but the music itself promises that a higher power is already working on it. angel singing in church

That gives me hope.


“You will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending.” – John 1:51

I occasionally hear the voices of angels, which opens for me a gateway to see the Divine.

This allows me to access and come into communion with my inner knowing, intuitive visions of sacred forces at work within me.

I have found that those experiences almost always come during a time of spiritual peak performance.

It is about presence

“The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush.” – Exodus 3:2

So when the angels are near, they announce themselves with their music.

I have felt their singing becoming my light, pulling attention to the divine growing around me. do angels sing kjv

They speak with flames of the divine, lighting up within me the spirit to continue on my path.

This fire transforms me, makes me stronger, immerses me in the pure light of my higher self.


“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;” – Psalm 96:11

I celebrate when the angels sing. It is like the heavens are cheering on a part of my life which aligns in tune with my higher calling.

These celebrations trigger a great deal of inner harmony, like the universe is giving me big thumbs up for my spiritual progress.

These celestial beings convey the high vibrations of celebrating, and in so doing, they trigger within me my deepest memories about why I am on this spiritual path in the first place.


“If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in.” – Revelation 3:20

When I hear angels singing, it is a wake up call to my spirit. I experience an opening to a higher level of spiritual insight.

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