Is Kundalini Awakening Permanent?

Is Kundalini Awakening Permanent?

It is about evolution

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

The awakening of the Kundalini is the starting point of an irreversible inner transformation.

The better inquiry is not whether Kundalini awakening is permanent but how you keep merging with that awakening.

As the Kundalini rises, it goes through the chakra system and unlocks the spiritual knowledge of higher consciousness.

It is not ephemeral but ongoing purification.

Kind of like a river dam that has opened back up — the river keeps moving, moving shit out of its way, gaining speed and force.

I can tell you from experience that when Kundalini is activated, it cannot be UN-awakened.

It changes how you view life, and you cannot see the whole in the way that grown consciousness does. Is Kundalini Awakening Permanent

There is no relapsing, just the continuation of being revealed through you.

It is a permanent shift

“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

The Kundalini awakening is a permanent shift of consciousness.

All of a sudden, you are no longer experiencing reality and life through your limited ego.

The awakening is so intense that it changes how you see the world.

The responsibility as a whole, to not just oneself but the collective. how long does kundalini awakening last

Each thought, and each act appears to be loaded with meaning.

This doesn’t go away.

It’s a permanent transformation.

It is about the spiritual gifts

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

After Kundalini awakens, it sometimes opens dormant spiritual gifts, i.e., enhanced intuition, clairvoyance or a new ability to heal energetically. how long does a kundalini awakening last

This is not some sort of transient activation but a long-term gateway into higher dimensional planes of awareness.

And, as that energy courses through you, those gifts may be constantly changing — while your link to higher wisdom and universal power grows stronger.

I have personally observed over time that spiritual gifts keep growing in those who the Kundalini awakes.

Changes can advance from small shifts in perception or intuition to exceptional psychic powers, healing abilities and a transcended state of compassion.

This does not happen by chance; it happens as you work with the energy and when you keep true to your spiritual discipline.

Kundalini Awakening sets into motion an energetic upgrade for your entire system, helping to create space in you where deep spiritual experiences can occur.

It is about purification

“The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you.” – 1 Corinthians 6:19

It is not possible to experience a Kundalini awakening if there are no physical or emotional changes happening. kundalini awakening stages

Lasting clearing of blocks and imbalances occursfrom these purification processes, they are not temporary disturbances.

You may experience the clearing of chronic issues (either physical, emotional or mental) as this energy clears them out.

Think of it like refurbishing a house; after the spring clean, as long as you take regular care of your spiritual practice, eating well and looking after yourself your surroundings remain immaculate.

It is about ego dissolution

“Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” – Matthew 10:39

The dissolution of the ego is one of the most difficult parts of awakening Kundalini. What is the typical duration of a kundalini awakening

But before you even get defensive or annoyed, its not about flagging your identity but so much more of the layer-upon-layer framework of pseudo-selfhood.

The ego does all it can to fight this process — which sets up an inner war. But the Kundalini energy is harder to contain as it rises and keeps coming into contact with old ego patterns.

And this separation is permanent.

You start acting from a higher self that is not fear or attachment-based, nor seeking any validation.

It is about living in alignment with the will of the Divine

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you…” – Jeremiah 29:11

After the Kundalini is awakened, there is an inescapable calling to live and will the divine. What happens after Kundalini is awakened

Not to give up control, but how to walk with the universe.

This is just a lifestyle for many of us.

One feels led, watched over, and lifted by invisible apparitions.

Your life does not become easy, but you move through your struggles with a new level of faith in the divine blueprint.

It is about the spiritual practice

“What you practice, you will become.” – Buddha

Kundalini awakening is permanent, but to what extent you are able to integrate and channel this energy has much to do with sustained spiritual practice. What is the final stage of Kundalini

The journey does not stop at awakening.

The more you invest in yourself, the more of that energy is going to show up for you in all corners.

Energy can get stuck or feel chaotic if it is not working out of an open line, and imbalances can result.

So long as there is dedication, the Kundalini should be a strong force for good, not just in your own life but also in drawing others.

It is about integration

“The kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21

The real kicker comes after the Kundalini is awakened, getting it to work out for you on a daily basis. How do I know if I've had a Kundalini awakening

I am talking about bringing the depth of understanding from living in Spirit more often.

The body is in the world somewhere, but its true integration remains as elusive as ever.

That means learning to have relationships, do our work and be in the world while not being out of it.

The process of integration is a gradual one, and it never definitively reaches an endpoint.

Kundalini awakening, once it happened, is irreversible.

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