Pleiadian Starseeds – Traits & Characteristics

The concept of Pleiadian Starseeds intrigued me from the moment I first really considered that my soul could have originated in another incarnation within a distant star cluster, namely the Pleiades.

A collection of a few stars linked together in space, the name given to this constellation is “Seven Sisters,” and it resides within the Taurus constellation.

There are more than 800 stars in it, but only seven can be seen with the naked eye.

People who are Pleiadian starseeds believe that the home of their soul can be traced to this star.

They call their home a realm of light, harmony and beauty like none other.

It is believed to be a realm in which those that reside experience an elevated vibrational reality, one where they have evolved spiritually and technologically far beyond the reach of mere mortal humans living on planet Earth.

Most Pleiadian Starseed lives are spent on Earth, where the soul is here for a very special mission that possibly requires one to go beyond spiritual practices.pleiadian traits

Their cause for joining is not a mission I accidentally stumbled on. It is about helping the planet to evolve spiritually.

I seem to have a bit of an obsession with playing parts that include healing, teaching, and generally elevating others’ levels of consciousness.

It is not mere passion but my very calling as a denizen of the universe that compels me to serve it.

To me, discovering the truth about Pleiadian Starseeds was an exploratory path of self-awareness and confirmation.

It has helped me make sense of my sensitivities, and why helping others consistently has been a part of who I am FOREVER!

Pleiadian Starseeds – Traits & Characteristics: pleiadians traits

One of the common physical traits in Pleiadian Starseeds is their eyes.

They have luminous eyes that allow a glimpse into their old soul.

They are light, naturally blue, green or hazel color galaxy eyes and in an ever so slightly almond shape.

People say their eyes are like endless pools of compassion and understanding.

They have another quality that comes to mind, and it is their otherworldly grace.

Mesmerizing in their grace, there seemed to be something about them that was not quite of this earth.

Flowing, fluid and graceful, they move imminently in effortless psychic unification with the higher vibrational frequency from which they were born. pleiadian characteristics

This gracefulness also extends to their behavior and the way they move through life

They are also highly adaptable when it comes to the physical senses.

Their ability to sense the changes in weather, light and sound is higher than any other being on this planet.

On a physical level, they may have frequent headaches or unexplained fatigue and sensitivities to certain foods or chemicals.

This new level of sensitivity is a two-sided coin — it allows them to be more connected with what’s going on around them but can also lead to higher levels of physical discomfort.

They are commonly pale to light in the shade of skin, though this is not a universal characteristic aesthetically.

The best way to know this is the glow on their skin; it can be assumed that they are very young.

Their builds are typically lean and sometimes athletic, embodying their relation to physical vitality and well-being.

While they might look fragile at times, their bodies can be strong in ways that match the core of what power means on a spiritual level.

Hair colors among Pleiadian Starseeds are white, blonde or light brown and even platinum.

These people may have fine, sometimes silky hair that adds to their otherworldly appearance. pleiadian definition

Again, while these characteristics are typical of Pleiadian Starseeds other variations will also occur due to the diversity in human genetics.

One of the most common characteristics of a Pleiadian Starseed is their love of nature and working outside. Natural places are what makes them feel most at home.

This rootedness in nature is seen in their physical composure and exuberance.

They flourish in surroundings that set them to up the power of Earth, and frequently, they possess a natural capacity for speaking with animals and plants.

Physical and Emotional Sensitivities

Being highly sensitive on physical or emotional levels are some traits of Pleiadian Starseeds.

This increased sensitivity enables them to be aware of more subtle energies and emotions that others tend to overlook, from sounds or lights to internal sensations corresponding to even relations with the environment. pleiadians characteristics

This type of sensitivity is a double-edged sword.

Pleiadian Starseeds might experience physical symptoms like regular headaches, unexplained tiredness and particular reactions to food or chemicals.

These symptoms are usually due to their bodies adapting to the energies of Earth.

In order to cope with these sensitivities, Pleiadian Starseeds must live a healthy lifestyle, including habits such as meditation practices, grounding exercises and clean eating ideals.

On an emotional level, Pleiadian Starseeds can be easily tired by the intensity of human emotions and, even more so, the chaos that exists in our physical world.

This may manifest as feelings of sadness, anxiety and loneliness where they might find themselves lost or misunderstood. However, this emotional profundity allows them to understand others on the same level and provide some beautiful advice with compassion.

Spiritual Gifts and Abilities pleiadian meaning

Pleiadian Starseeds are among some of the most extraordinary individuals when it comes to certain spiritual gifts and abilities.

Those gifts tend to show up especially early in life, with many Pleiadians presenting as psychic and working already with their clairvoyant abilities.

Having a built-in ability to connect to higher frequencies and the spirit world, they are good at things like channeling or communicating with spiritual entities.

Healing is another important attribute of Pleiadian Starseeds.

They may be inclined to healing professions of a conventional medical kind, alternative forms such as acupressure or TCM in the physical body and practices including Reiki.

Those identified as Pleiadians Starseeds are very interested in nature and animals.

They will always seek peace and comfort in nature. Therefore, they have a soothing effect on animals, which are drawn to their caring energy.

Mission and Purpose pleiadian starseed characteristics

The Pleiadian Starseeds carry a mission and purpose unique to them.

They feel an inner pull to contribute their light and love for the greater good of the world, as they have a “responsibility” to help Gaia’s ascension.

That purpose will vary from person to person because of what they are designed for.

Pleiadian Starseeds are among those who choose to influence others more directly, and so many resonate with assignments in teaching, health or healing work.

They may have a longing to paint or make music and write stories that elevate.

The process of finding and performing this mission can be exhilarating but also challenging.

Pleiadian Starseeds experience regular cycles of self-reflection and transformation as they purge themselves of outdated beliefs and habits that hold no purpose for their ascension path.

Connection to Higher Realms pleiadian starseed traits

Pleiadian Starseeds resonate highly with the higher realms and dimensions.

It provides a connection through which they can access higher wisdom and guidance – insights unavailable to most people.

Sensitives can have vivid dreams, astral travel and at times receive downloads of information from higher beings.

For Pleiadian Starseeds to deepen this connection, meditation is crucial and the same as every other spiritual practice.

With consistent meditative practices, they can turn off their brains and dial into the frequencies of higher planes.

And this helps them to be guided and supported by their higher selves, spirit guides, and Pleiadian beings.

Another common practice of the Pleiadian Starseeds is channeling.

They are able to receive messages of love, wisdom and guidance from higher beings and then relay those out through channeling with other people.

But this kind of practice only the great souls and highly spiritual masters use to perform as it holds a different set of frequencies and energies.

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