Purple Heart Plant Spiritual Meaning

Purple Heart Plant – Spiritual Meaning:

It is about the vibration of purple

“Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these?” – Isaiah 40:26

The color purple has always felt quite spiritual to me.

The first time sitting with a purple heart plant in meditation brought me to an elevated state of awareness.

This plant vibrates at a frequency in resonance with higher planes of consciousness.

The purple heart plants feel that it is almost a gateway to higher realms of existence.

The plant is a conduit between the physical and spiritual worlds for me.

It has intuitive insights. Purple Heart Plant Spiritual Meaning

It feels almost sacred, an atmosphere that incites something greater than the everyday.

The energy of the purple heart is capable of transforming any area.

It is about the healing energy

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

The purple heart plant is so strong that it survives in difficult environments.

When I grieved or did not feel good emotionally, the purple heart plant helped me in the process of healing.

As the plant returns to health, I learned that emotional scars sure cut you openbut they just as surely make an opportunity for taking the next step.

I accept feelings with my purple heart plant sitting in close proximity. Purple Heart Plant - Spiritual Meaning

I am like the plant that folds inward when things are uncertain and scary, but I have learned to also allow myself to open up after some warm sun.

It is about spiritual protection

“The LORD will keep you from all harm…” – Psalm 121:7

The purple heart plant is my spiritual armor.

The color purple has an aura of protection.

I set the plant over by my doors and windows, standing as a sentinel.

There is not only beauty but also what the plant represents.

It makes me feel secure and in my spiritual boundaries. purple heart plant benefits

I have struggled with being energetically weak at times, and I realized that having a purple heart plant in my room was always quite grounding.

A lesson that helps me to remember if I am able to mindfully care for my external surroundings, then it is time to attend to the internal ones as well.

Divine Feminine

“When Shakti takes over, Shiva steps back.” – Sapan Saxena

The purple heart plant represents an aspect of the divine feminine.

The leaves with a deep color do justice to their yin energy: nurturing, intuitive and receptive.

It seems to me that this plant does indeed call in my connection with the feminine.

Meditating with the purple heart plant brings me thoughts of a more ancient wisdom.

I go with the flow of life, that it is ok to be still.

I’m resting, and this helps me to come back even stronger. purple heart plant feng shui

This plant made me understand that I have the energy of the divine feminine within, ready to be recognized and empowered.

It is about stability

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water…” – Psalm 1:3

The purple heart plant is very tough. The plant grows well in all types of conditions.

This gives the same feel as to its spiritual importance, where it is a symbol of being stable.

It can be hard sometimes to stay centered when we feel like life is crazier than ever.

Still, the purple heart is something that continually inspires me no matter what confusion I find in my life.

Peace, certainty and stability are always around if you let it.

I have found that the roots of this plant take a stronghold in the ground, grounding themselves deep into the earth and pushing up its fresh green face. purple heart plant meaning

This helps to understand that if my spiritual and emotional roots are firmly planted, I can face virtually any winds life brings.

Observing it surviving and thriving in the face of suffering teaches me to cultivate strong roots within myself.

I feel more anchored when I experience the storms of life.

It is about inner work

“Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

The purple heart flower is indeed a companion in my mindfulness practices.

Its purple color and sinewy shape calling me back to the center all enable me to slip further into meditation.

So, when I sit and meditate, the purple heart plant can really add to that space of serenity.

I have found the energy of the plant allows a reflective space. purple heart plant spiritual meanings

This makes inner work just flow. And is a lovely grounding tool.

This quiet ally helps me daily deepen my practice.

It is about love

“Above all, love each other deeply.” – 1 Peter 4:8

The very name purple heart plant resonates with the heart chakra (Anahata).

This chakra has the energy of love and compassion.

Eventually, I started to see this plant as a whisper in my ear, asking the question if I love myself.

Having the purple heart plant in my space, I notice a slight return to love.

This plant feels like an ally for me.

That love is the bedrock of all spiritual learning and that there are no limits to how it enables me to draw upon a vast wellspring of compassion within myself.

Using the purple heart plant, I have been taught over and over again to approach life with love first. purple heart plant spiritual meaning and benefits

When I can be still in my own heart, it makes room for the love to build.

This allows forgiveness and empathy, and I feel the connection of divine affection to all.

It is about surrender

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart…” – Proverbs 3:5

The purple heart plant has taught me one of the greatest lessons in surrender.

To me, surrender is opening up to what I don’t know.

The purple heart is the embodiment of this concept.

Its leaves are fleshy but always elastic.

It does not fight the waves endlessly but bends and moves with them instead.

My life is a litany of moments that I was worried about because they brought uncertainty and, therefore, change.

The purple heart has been my spiritual lifeline during what can be trying times. purple heart plant spiritual meaning and meaning

In the energy of that moment, I realize that I do not know everything, and I am where I need to be to flow with the process as it unfolds.

It is about strength

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13

The delicate seeming purple heart plant, tells me more of its strength and ability to keep going.

It grows up in different conditions and sometimes might bounce back more vigorously after being cut or injured.

This has spiritually come to represent the inner power that all of us possess, especially in times like this.

The purple heart plant also makes me think it is, simply by its very existence.

With the help of the the purple heart, I discovered the internal force that helped me press on through difficulties. purple heart plant spiritual meaning and significance

It is a strength that also has nothing to do with how much I can lift or squat but, instead, what can break me and force me into battles within my mind.

I have been in situations where simply looking down at the purple heart, I will make it through all the hard times.

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