21 Signs You Were Royalty In A Past Life

Signs You Were Royalty In A Past Life:

#1 Inherent Dignity

Part of me knows deep down these are a few characteristics that naturally shine in your soul, remnants from another life where you were powerful and influential.

Longing for refinement, a natural sense of entitlement and dignity in your movements are traits but residual sounds from old times.

Your soul has been lightened by the royal duties you once carried.

#2 Unwavering Responsibility

You had a duty in your past life as royalty. 21 Signs You Were Royalty In A Past Life

You may find that you naturally assume leadership in relationships, at work or among friends.

There is inherent allure in positions where your decisions affect others.

#3 Divine Purpose

One of the great trappings associated with royalty is the divine commission act.

In the past, royalty was connected to religion or destiny.

So please understand that this is not necessarily God-related; it could simply be a strong sense of purpose in life.

This connection could show up as a leading hand in your life where you experience that what ever the little things or decisions done are contributing towards some biggest plan.

You likely have a deeply ingrained moral ethic, and you make decisions based in this place of what may seem The Right Thing.

#4 Intrinsic Fairness

The way to a good ruler is through fairness and justice. Signs You Were Royalty In A Past Life

You may have been born with an inborn sense of justice deep inside you if any time in the past life, you had surely lived as a royalty.

You are inherently committed to the concept of fairness and can be easily ruffled by anything you perceive as unjust.

You may also be placed in roles at times where you are required to settle arguments, give counsel or lead with prudence and impartiality.

Your soul knows the experience of those painful questions and weighs a balance between good for all and bad in favor of some.

#5 Aura of Abundance

Many souls who were royalty in a past life often have developed that sense of abundance and prosperity.

Perhaps not the kind of riches that manifest in monetary plain, but a verdure of spirit as seen through your being and paths traversed. who was i in my past life

You may also find that things come easier to you and naturally attract success in your life.

That is no accident.

Your soul remembers the abundance that you once had available to you.

This is pretty much what you go through.

How you manage your resources and generate wealth to provide growth outlets mimics the role of a ruler who must oversee an empire full of bountiful riches.

#6 Visionary Insight

Without vision, a ruler is nothing.

If you were royalty in one of your past lives, then probably the reason why your vision is so great and developed as well are certain characteristics that have carried over from earlier times.

You know, it means looking beyond the immediate and concentrating on building something that will be of value in times to come. how to know your previous birth

You realize that leadership is about the future, not just for today.

#7 Commanding Presence

You have a natural commanding presence.

#8 Grace Under Pressure

Dignity and strength are the traits correlated to those who previously walked this Earth as royalty.

You have an inner strength that most people can only envy in you.

#9 Elegant Communication

The blending of your thoughts and emotions combined with the elegance in which you express yourself tells a tale of royal lineage, making sense when considering all those prior incarnations where this training has already been issued to my soul.

#10 Wisdom

Wisdom is a mark of real royalty. If you were some type of royalty in a past life, there is probably an inherent wisdom within yourself that guides how you make decisions and actions. how to know if you had a past life

This wisdom is not a part of the journey in your lifetime, it’s from an experience prior to being ruler.

You will likely realize that others often seek your counsel, or you have an uncanny ability to feel out of tough situations.

Your soul recalls the hard-won wisdom from having been in control, given choices to make and lived with their consequences.

That knowledge is a gift you walk with as proof of the accountability that once rode on your shoulders.

#11 Magnetic Influence

If you were once the king or queen in a past life, they might even want your acceptance and be kind to you.

This is not power in a traditional sense, instead this true magnetic charisma you have about yourself.

#12 Value of Reputation

Monarchs valued honor and reputation above all.

Maybe you were a monarch or endlessly working to better your station in the court of high society, and through that learned how important it is to have others think well. It matters to you what people think of you because you are so incredibly respectful.

You may resort to extreme measures simply to keep face, follow through on your word and remain congruent with your values.

#13 Natural Authority

Power should be the defining trait of royalty.

If you were royalty in a former life, there is something natural about the way power seems to come out of your pores.

It’s not about being overpowering, it is just how well you move through positions that need dominion or control.

#14 Measured Patience

Any ruler should have the qualities of patience and understanding.

You might have the natural knack to be at ease and mindful even during a crisis if you were royalty in your previous life.

It really had nothing to do with pacifism, but it is a pragmatic wisdom that foresees the result of careless acts.

#15 Loyalty Beyond Measure

With royalty, it can run deep — love for a people or cause or belief. If you were a king or queen in another life, maybe that feeling of loyalty drives your actions and decisions. signs you were a king in your past life

This strength honors not only your bond with people but likewise the wellspring of roots within yourself.

#16 Connection to the Land

For whatever reason, be royal blood in the soul of past life or connection to land as part of that DNA print.

That relationship is a duty to tend and protect the land.

Maybe you realize that nature is your lifeline or makes you feel at home like nothing else does.

This is because your soul knows.

#17 Diplomatic Nature

Diplomacy is a trait of royalty.

You might find that you are able to prevent conflict, mediate disputes and keep the peace quite naturally if you were a royal in back through your past lives. Royal Bloodlines Signs You Were Royalty in a Past Life

The art of being diplomatic in this lifetime echoes back to some royal wisdom you once possessed.

#18 Strategic Thinking

One of the factors that distinguish royalty regionally and internationally is their strategic thinking.

For all you know, if you were of royalty in another life, you may just be programmed to plan and forecast logically several moves into the battle.

You may realize that you are quite strong in considering the long-term consequences of any decision and preparing for those. Your soul recalls the tactics you used in order to guard your realm and keep it a prospering place.

The strategy over your lifetime has actually been an image of those imperial obligations.

#19 Generous Spirit

One sign of a past life as royalty is generosity and compassion. How to tell if you were royalty in a past life

As a royal, you would probably tend to be generous with your time, resources and energy.

#20 Inner Elegance

People who have a royal bloodline in their past lives typically feature inner beauty.

You would carry something of the kind of effortless majesty, a poise that radiates from within to everything you do.

#21 Enduring Legacy

A key factor of the royal family is their legacy.

Similarly, if you were royalty in your past life, you may discover you are compelled to succeed, create and make a difference in the world.

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