Sirian Starseed Birthmarks & Traits

Sirian Starseed – Birthmarks and Traits:

Birthmarks of Sirian Starseeds

“I have called you by name, you are mine.” – Isaiah 43:1

Birthmarks do not randomly materialize.

These are memories from their star system, imprints of lives gone before.

These birthmarks appear as symbols which are also considered very unique.

Star-shaped/geometric birthmarks are another common trait found in a Sirian starseed.

They represent their alignment with cosmic geometry and the sacred balance of the universe.

Several Sirian starseeds also record birthmarks in the type of pyramids that remember them to their duties in old Egypt.

Some may have even been guides, engineers or architects who helped to construct the mighty pyramids back then as energy centers for spiritual enlightenment.

These marks can show up on the third eye or forehead of Sirian starseeds who have an enhanced level of intuition and psychic skills. Sirian Starseed Birthmarks & Traits

Those marks are their soul’s sacred contract with this world.

Physical Traits

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” – Proverbs 15:3

One of the most common physical symbol you will find in Sirian starseeds are their eyes.

They have the most intense eyes, and feel like old souls.

They say that you can feel the weight of eons lived throughout galaxies in their eyes.

The majority have blue/green/hazel eyes.

They have a sparkle in their eyes that is reminiscent of light codes from Sirius.

They can see energies and auras that others might not notice at all here on Earth. sirian starseed birthmarks

Many Sirian starseeds awaken to their unique vision ability early in life where they will sense movements or objects around them.

This characteristic is something that sometimes attracts them to areas of study where observation and detailed outlook are part, such as in the healing arts or energy work pursuits.


“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105

Sirian starseeds have very unusual skin textures.

Their skin is described as radiant-glowing from the inside out.

This ethereal lighting is more pronounced in spiritual awakenings where the universe communicates with our inner senses.

Heightened Sensitivity

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” – Matthew 5:8

Their heightened sensitivity is represented by an increased sensitivity to their surroundings, becoming hyper aware and in tune with energies, humans and even the world planetary shifts. sirian starseed traits

Unfortunately, this sensitivity can be overly alert at times and in noisy situations.

It enables them to feel the vibrations within the universe and use knowledge from higher realms with ancient wisdom.

Through their sensitivity they are able to tune into the vibrations of creation, drawing from otherworldly wisdom.

So, a lot of Sirian Starseeds just go to peaceful places where then connect with their higher purpose.

This sensitivity carries through to animals and our environment.

Sirian starseeds have the affinity for dolphins and whales as they all echo their water connection from Sirius.

The most common is to be a ward of the planet’s oceans or aquatic life.

They have a close relationship to dolphins who are seen as bringers of higher wisdom from home.

The Gifts

“He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” – Psalm 107:20

One of the common characteristics among Sirian starseeds is superhuman psychic abilities and healing powers as those are presented since early life. sirian starseed appearance

Being in touch with the energy within them and around, this makes then an excellent healers.

Many are energy healers, working with Reiki or crystal and/or sound healing to access into the high vibrations of Sirius in their work.

But their psychic abilities are much more advanced than traditional clairvoyance.

So, many Sirian starseeds share the ability to engage in telepathic conversation with either humans.

This type of communication is also natural by-product from their time in Sirius where telepathy was the usual medium.

For healing, Sirian starseeds will seek natural medicine and/or holistic health methods.

They understand body energy systems on a deep level and know how to help people heal through those too.


“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18

Sirian starseeds are natural leaders, but only a small fraction of them seek out positions in which they can lead. sirian starseed symbols

They feel the future of Earth should be united, peaceful and equal.

These thoughts are the essence of a peaceful world, and this is their promise to create that vision.

They have a leadership capability having learned how all is connected with the current existence.

They see into energetic grids that encase our physical realm.

Their style for leadership is not demanding, but development. They inspire others to greatness and live in service of the highest version self.

In their career these type of starseeds are attracted to work in fields where they can impact the many.

I will refer to them as being the visionaries of our age.

They are using their special gifts for making this world truly what it was meant to be.


“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

While they are here to guide and lead, Sirian starseeds may also need time alone for recharging. sirian starseed birthmarks female

They feel more at peace in nature.

While in isolation, they will be experiencing downloads of “information” from the realms above informing them on their mission.

They are also able to let out any energies they have absorbed from other people.

They are sponges and as highly sensitive they absorb the emotions of their surrounding.

It provides space for them to remove the desperation, clean out their energy and begin anew with a connection to their own light.

The Mission

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” – Matthew 5:14

At the core of it all, Sirian starseeds have been put on this Earth to serve as an important anchor for higher-light frequencies. sirian starseed markings

Sirian starseeds have an unwaivering faith that humanity has the potential and capacity to evolve in amazing ways.

And they know that this is possible when each of them live in the light themselves.

Simply by being there, they can change the energy of a room, or create impact in an entire community – a planet.

Their mission is unspoken, not egotistical.

They are present to be of service, and spread hope while reminding humanity of what is possible when we unleash the divine within.


“In a dream … He may speak in their ears…” – Job 33:15-16

In dreams Sirian starseeds are surrounded by great guidance.

All of their dreams are so much more than just manifestations of a subconscious mind. sirian starseed characteristics

They are gateways to alternate realms beyond our current wildest imagination.

Their dreams are luscious with water imagery, sea and lakes and even underwater cities.

The water ingredient is inherently linked to the Sirian energy.

Another resourceful tool in the hands of Sirian Starseeds is lucid dreaming.

They might also find that they can take control and go through their dreamscape more easily.


“The Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” – Proverbs 2:6

Technology, innovation and futuristic thinking also attract Sirian Starseeds.

They are drawn to this because their soul is connected to the higher technological civilizations of Sirius.

Sirians are the masters at creating highly advanced technology. sirian starseed tattoo

When they incarnated on Earth, Sirian starseeds were also oriented to areas of expertise within them such as information technology, engineering and quantum physics.

Thinking creatively gives them the freedom to develop new ideas that may be unconventional.

They are often the trailblazers in technologies that help humanity.

Emotional Healing

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

Sirian starseeds have a natural gift of healing which also extends to the self.

Especially sensitive to emotional energy, this leaves them keenly aware of how necessary the process of emotionally healing is. sirian starseed meaning

Many Sirian Starseeds experienced emotional struggles during their lives.

These battles are not arbitrary. It is their soul quest of learning.

These are the trials of emotional adeptness that Sirian starseeds must learn to master through experience.

They learn to transmute their pain and negative experiences into power.

They become emotionally strategic.

These are people who excel at moving others through deep levels of emotional wounding.

It is this gift that enables them to be great advisors, healers and spiritualist.

Sirian starseedsy know that healing is within, and aim to help others on their journey in self-realization.

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