Sleeping In Front Of A Mirror Spiritual Meanings

Sleeping In Front Of A Mirror – Spiritual Meaning:

It is about spiritual portals

“Not all those who wander are lost.” — J.R.R. Tolkien

Mirrors are like a key that opens the door to other realities.

I get the sense that by sleeping in front of a mirror I am inviting energies or entites to come across the portal and visit with me.

So I have skipped having mirrors opposite my bed throughout my life.

I am well aware that I am at my most defenseless when I sleep, easily influenced from afar.

That is why many spiritual practitioners love to say that sleeping in front of a mirror can cause psychic attacks.

Everything I see in the mirror, almost, like a gateway, invites all energy and essences from all dimensions to come inside.

It is about the amplification of energy

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” — Aristotle

Mirrors do not only reflect objects they also reflect energy. Sleeping In Front Of A Mirror Spiritual Meanings

Whenever I stay sleep in front of one, it feels like I am under feedback loop of my own energy.

This can go either way. When I am in a space of feeling good and spiritually aligned, a mirror can amplify that energy.

Sometimes I get all jittery or have nightmares and then think that maybe my off energy is already shining through the glass.

Every other time when I’m grounded , sleeping in front of a mirror seems to help me find an answer or steadiness.

It is about the fragmentation of the aura

“All the forces in the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come.” — Victor Hugo

My aura, the energy field that surrounds me is vital to my spiritual wholeness.

I have heard that while I sleep in front of a mirror, even my aura is shown opposite like my own body.

I started experiencing waking up feeling flustered, when staying at a place with mirrors in the bedroom — maybe because my aura was split at night. why is it bad to have a mirror facing your bed spiritual meaning

My unsettledness stems from the frequency flutter caused by this constant reflection between me and the mirror.

Shadow Self

“I must be a mermaid, I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” — Anaïs Nin

I tend to think about mirrors in terms of the shadow self.

You know, those parts I sweep under the rug and hide from myself.

Sleeping in front of your mirror feels as I’m unlocking a door to face these repressed parts, even if only the source is revealed through dreams.

Dreams are doorways into my subconscious and the mirror is like, a tool to induce more powerful or intense dreams.

The Astral Plane

“Man is a universe within himself.” — Bob Marley

The astral plane refers to a level of existence or awareness that is not physical. mirrors in bedroom and spirits meaning

It corresponds with the 4th dimension and it operates at a higher frequency than what our humanity can sense with the 5 senses.

Mirrors can be gateways to this realm of mirror with reflectable-properties.

Sleeping in front of a mirror feels like I will astral project, you feel me?

Something I have noticed that if I am sensitive to “astral projection” the mirror tends to make my trips more vibrant and strong.

In the case of a novice in astral travel, this becomes strange dreams.

The mirror acts as a connection between what is my physical self and in reality, my astral one; traversing through it makes acting out of dreams more natural.

It is about spiritual cleansing

“Cleanliness is next to godliness.” — John Wesley

Mirrors have always been known for spiritual cleansing. mirror facing bed spiritual meaning

I have learned that mirrors, are not just reflectors of visible things, they can siphon energy as well.

That is why it is suggested to clean mirrors more than just physically but also energetically.

If I were to go to sleep in the mirror room, any energy that is taken up there might reflect back at me during my sleep and disturb it as well as may cause harm to my spiritual state.

As I have said before, I am conscious of the energy in my space.

I make it a practice to regularly “cleanse” my mirrors to make sure what they reflect back is pure, good energy.


“Time is an illusion.” — Albert Einstein

Mirrors just have a way of twisting things up that has always held my interest. why is it bad to have a mirror facing your bed paranormal

Mirrors are said, in spiritual circles, not only to reflect the physical world but also time itself.

Time and space feel like ambiguous concepts when I go to sleep infront of the mirror.

Nights where I had slept only to wake up feeling as if time has melted away or run too fast.

This freeing of energies means I wake feeling “a little out of kilter” too sensitive for a straight timelessness.

I might even think that I have simply been in a different dimension while asleep or something.

It is about manipulation

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” — Albert Einstein

Mirrors themselves can enter our dreams and change or alter them.

I find it intriguing to speculate that if my image was mirrored back while I slept, the mirror might project a twin and in doing so somehow allow for deeper, more vivid dreams. mirrors in bedroom

My dreams have become more intense when I’ve slept with a mirror in front of me.

Sometimes lucid where I am aware that dreaming and can occasionally manipulate what is happening.

It seems the mirror acts as a trigger to get me have my wits in place, in order for me to be more aware of my dreams.


“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?” — Psalm 27:1

Seriously, spiritual protection is something I consider often, specifically when it comes to sleeping near mirrors.

I know many people who they think that mirrors can protect me by reflecting and deflecting negative energy.

This is why I keep mirrors near my bed, thinking that it would prevent or at least scare away any negative entities that might stray on me. mirrors in bedroom and spirits

However I have also discovered, this safeguard comes with a caveat.

The mirror must be cleaned regularly If I skip that, the mirror can soak in too much the negativity and reflect it back to me.

What a functionality!

It is about past lives

“Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” — William Blake

When it comes to past life exploration, mirrors have always fascinated me.

They are avenues that are thought to show experiences from the other lifetimes.

I often think that when I sleep infront of a mirror, it is like connecting to my past lives and our echoes.

It feels as if the mirror acts as a conduit of my current form and former vessels.

My subconscious seems to want to play with these past lives while I sleep. mirror facing bed superstition

I have had dreams that feel as if they extend beyond this existence teaching me karmic chords about my life I did not even know existed.

The Unconscious

“There is no light without shadow.” — Carl Jung

Sleeping in front of a mirror seems to place me in an even closer relationship with the darkest parts of my psyche. I consider mirrors to be an allegory of self-awareness.

They do not just mirror the body during my sleep but they actually disclose deeper layers of the psyche.

If I fall asleep in front of a mirror, the night will bring me dreams with plenty of signs, facets to my personality that had been hidden and archetypes.

It seems like the mirror is a discovery tool that helps me focus on things about myself I haven’t explored yet.

Lunar Energy

“The moon is a loyal companion.” — Tahereh Mafi

I believe mirrors magnify lunar energy, hence the pronounced effect when they are in my sleeping space. mirrors in bedroom spirituality

I found that when I am close enough to the moonlight for her reflection to shine on me, it seems as though there is a focus of energy being targeted at my sleep by way of dreams.

Together the mirror and the moon enhance my emotionality, strength intuition and connect me more to that inner thing when I awaken.

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