Sparkling Eyes – 10 Spiritual Meanings

Sparkling Eyes Spiritual Meaning:

It is about inner light

“The eye is the lamp of the body.” — Matthew 6:22

Sparkling eyes are a physical reflection of how radiant we feel on the inside.

Our eyes are a significant access point between what we feel on the inside, and the outside world.

The light in their eyes often represents a harmony of mind, body and spirit, an enlightened state or awareness that has awakened.

I have seen that people who have sparkling eyes tend to have a feel of calm.

This light as referred to in the Bible goes beyond just leading the way.

It is also the bright ray of hope that shines and can be seen as a guide to show you the way. Sparkling Eyes - 10 Spiritual Meanings

It is physical representation of a spirit right within it.

Eyes that sparkle suggest a heart filled with love, meaning and divine inspiration.

Emotional Purity

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” — Kahlil Gibran

People who had sparkly eyes, exude something more than pure solace.

It is genuinely their emotional peace.

It takes a lot of emotional honesty and processing to be able to live this.

It is pretty much impossible unless you have done deep spritual work released attachments.

In my book, people with sparkling eyes = emotionally free.

They are free from the binds of negativity, that keeps their hearts clouded and their sight impaired.

There is a sparkle in their eyes because they have cleansed the emotional landscape of their inner life.

Clarity of emotion spiritually connects to emotional intelligence. sparkling eyes meaning

It is in the sense that you know what you are feeling and why.

Clarity of emotion makes way for love, compassion and happiness to grow brighter in the eye.

Their positivity can be sensed without a word leaving their mouth.

It is about love

“Where there is love, there is life.” — Mahatma Gandhi

I have found love to be one of the strongest triggers so far for sparkly eyes.

Love of our family, or a lover, of the world in general activates your soul.

It is not just poetic thing. Love releases an energy, inherits a frequency that lifts the spirit and becomes visible in those eyes.

You know, when a person is desperately in love, they tend to change.

The more someone lives in the vibration of love, the brighter that energy reflects back to the world through their eyes.

Love is amongst the highest vibrational frequencies in spiritual arenas. what does it mean when your eyes sparkle

Little wonder, after all, people who inhabit love have eyes that glitter like stars.


“The eyes speak more than the mouth ever could.” — William Shakespeare

For me the sparkle of an eye says what words cannot.

Our eyes hold the energy of truth.

Our soul’s truth.

This authenticity pulses loudly through them.

It exhales in some way that cannot be denied, in a way even without word.

Many spiritual masters and teachers discuss the relationship between your inner-world and how it creates your outer world.

Sparkling eyes demonstrate that somebody is pure within and speaks the truth.

They are so in alignment with this belief that it radiates out of their eyes, they sparkle and they almost shine. sparkling eyes spiritual meaning

I have seen people with shining eyes transform the very vibe of a room by not saying one single word.

Their spiritual light shines through for all to notice.

Fresh Beginning

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” — T.S. Eliot

When people have spiritual experiences, their eyes seem to sparkle and burn from the inside due to the fires of transformation.

Something I notice a lot in people who have gone through true spiritual awakenings is that their eyes are tangible with the sense of clarity that they achieved.

Their glistening eyes, fresh as dew tell of beginnings.

This symbol of rebirth in the eye energy suggests the person is no longer living their past but is reborn again and has gone to live from present moment.

It is about darkness

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” — John 1:5

I have experienced my eyes sparkle as a sign of spiritual strength during trials at different times in my life.

The brightest eyes are usually those colored by time spent in dark places. sparkle in your eyes meaning

Maybe, in fact, it is this pain that makes them glitter.

I actually find that those who preserve their light, no matter how rough life gets with them, they have a beautiful sparkle in their eyes.

The determination in their hearts and the faith that refuses to let darkness consume throbs from the light of their eyes.

It is a sign of how strongly they believe in their spirit and refuse to bend over without fear.


“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” — Karl Barth

One of the big ways for me (and likely most everyone) to achieve sparkling eyes is through joy.

Seeing your eyes beaming with joy is the unspoken message I receive when you are.

Joy is a state that bring us closer to our most divine self.

This is an answer that shows comfort and trust in the world, and gratitude for where you are at.

I have found out that people who carry joy in the spirit always have a sparkle in their eyes.

While this joy isn’t dependant on outer conditions, it flows from within the spiritual reservoir of that inner abundance. shining eyes meaning

When a person is in harmony with themselves, their soul is beaming and it glows through the brightness of their eyes.

Joy is contagious.

What I know is that my spirits are always lifted and my days are always made a bit brighter when I come into contact with someone with the sparkling eyes.

In this way, they are the hope and light of sparkling eyes that enters the hearts world side by side.

It is about focus

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” — Proverbs 4:25

From my experience, sparkling eyes tend to belong to a person concentrating the strongest on their purpose or mission in life.

It is precisely this spiritual focus which helps them to briefly transcend the world of distraction and continue to stay on their path.

People with sparkly eyes are usually very clear about their purpose.

There is no silly routine of life they are busy into. sparkle in eyes meaning

Instead, they put all of their absolute focus into what really matters and you can see it shine through their eyes.

Having spiritual focus leads to higher enlightenment.

These are my eyes only when I am really present and mindful, focussed.

This shine is no accident, but the fruits of spiritual practices.

Inner Peace

“A calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence.” — Dalai Lama

Inner peace is the pinnacle of a spiritual experience that I can even get close to.

This energy exudes from within and infiltrates their surrounding.

I find that this peace shows up in the eyes, they have a soft glittering sparkle which tells us of the tranquility soul within them.

People who are at peace inside have a special sparkle in their eyes, when it is not from joy.

The tranquility from within can be seen externally with how they look at you. why do some people's eyes sparkle

I am aware that it takes years of spiritual work to get this this inner peace.

However, I know that when I have this tranquility in me and my eyes sparkle with it, I have found harmony within.

Spiritual Awakening

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” — Psalm 36:9

When one goes through a spiritual awakening, their view of the world changes.

It becomes clear, anything you see seems brighter and more profound. eyes sparkling meaning

You can see it in their eyes, this inner transformation.

Sparkling eyes here indicate a level of spiritual awakening, heightened connection with Divine Consciousness.

Their eyes are suddenly opened, as if for the first time in their lives they could see the truth of reality and that truth is shining bright through them.

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