Spiritual Meaning Of Being Arrested In A Dream

Spiritual Meanings Of Being Arrested In A Dream:

It is about confronting the truth

“…the truth shall make you free.” — John 8:32

My dreams about arrests tend to manifest whenever I am reluctant to admit the truth.

On a spiritual level, I have learned that these dreams are guiding me to aspects of myself not in vibration to my highest self.

The arrest isn’t about punishment. It’s all about finding freedom through truth. Personal growth at its finest if you will be!

I can tell you from personal experience that the truths shown in these dreams confront the delusions I maintain about myself.

Kind of like my soul is holding up a mirror to itself and says — hey, you need to know this. Spiritual Meaning Of Being Arrested In A Dream

It may be an uncomfortable process. In order to relieve myself from the bondage of this reality, I have no choice but to face these facts.

It is about misaligned priorities

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” — Matthew 6:21

Dreaming of being arrested has symbolized times when the priorities in my life were incorrect.

In these dreams, the arrest felt like a failure.

It is a clear message that whatever I was seeking must not be in alignment with my heart’s true desires. dream of police

But I realized that all of a sudden, these dreams mostly appeared to me when my addiction happened to be focused on things like success.

These dreams are affecting my genuine wellness. But in the bigger picture, this arrest is a hint of where my true “treasure” lies — here at home within myself.

I will stay grounded by my spiritual values.

At the same time, I am not in stagnation and know that I have managed to succeed on a purpose higher than what you see every day.

It is about stillness

“Be still, and know that I am God.” — Psalm 46:10

When I am arrested in my dreams, I think about an invisible hand that is compelling me to reflect. dream of being arrested

This is leading me to more understanding and ease.

In my experience, these dreams help me. I understand to leave an opening in my life for the presence of God.

I was at a crossroads, and in all of that stillness, I gained such clarity.

It is about reclaiming personal power

“To live happily is an inward power of the soul.” – Marcus Aurelius

When dreaming about an arrest, it seems to reflect my feelings of being powerless.

A reflection of how I’ve given over my power. It can be to others or aspects within me like fear and doubt. dream of getting arrested

These dreams force me to question my spirituality.

This is also in the form of a relationship where I feel powerless or a job that is constricting my creativity.

In this dream, the ‘arrest’ feels like signifying that it is time for me to take back my freedom and understand that I am in control of what happens next.

Learning to take my power back is a big part of spiritual growth.

It is about Divine intervention

“Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.” – 
Mark Batterson

Dreaming of being arrested is like a higher power’s way of redirecting me. what does it mean to dream of police arresting you

While I may have good intentions, my path is no longer of service to the highest good.

As such, being arrested reflects a much-needed change.

On a spiritual level, this is where they come into play as dreams showing the divine trying to get me out of going down another path.

This path would take me further from what my soul wants.

I do this when I am dependent on my plans and not listening to the still, small voice of God within me.

This dream is a spiritual protection that is preventing me from doing something stupid.

I have also found these dreams to be manifestations of the love and care from the Divine.

I’ve learned not to panic with them but welcome them as more proof that I am being led.

Knowing this is divine intervention, I can stop trying to control everything and allow myself to be guided into the higher plans.

These plans are being prepared for me to be led for more happiness, satisfaction and spiritual maturation.

It is about unresolved emotional pain

“Exercising can exorcise emotional pain.” – Regina Taylor

The dream about being arrested is another reflection of the emotional pain that is unresolved. dream of someone being arrested

Being arrested in a dream is an allegory to how I feel imprisoned by the way that life never stopped moving forward.

This has been some of the most challenging but rewarding healing work I have done on a spiritual level.

It is a test of faith

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” — 2 Corinthians 5:7

Being arrested in a dream makes me feel like feeling trapped and unable to get away from that place.

This feels so symbolic of those moments awake when I feel trapped, and my faith is being shaken.

Spiritually, they remind me to let go of my fears and doubts and put faith in the power that directs me. dream of someone getting arrested

It feels almost like the arrest was this symbol of that spiritual test.

It is a prelude to a spiritual awakening

“If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having.” – Henry Miller

Getting arrested in a dream is an indication that God is about to do something awesome.

It almost seems like my spirit is saying goodbye before the rest of me awakens into a brand-new existence.

The arrest is a last-ditch effort on my ego to hold me back in what it knows that I fear the unfamiliar. getting arrested dream meaning

This resistance seems to be at its absolute most right before a massive spiritual awakening.

In retrospect, it seems that this arrest in dreams is just a prelude to a spiritual awakening.

The dream is the transition point.

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