Spiritual Meaning Of Being Born On A Full Moon

Spiritual Meanings Of Being Born On A Full Moon:

The full moon is a time that intensifies everything.

And for those of us born under the full moon — this is not just a phase in the sky but an inherent part of what we are.

It carves us a character, directs our fate and stitches its way into the sinew of being.

I know I was born on full moon day only after years, as it started to show up and crossed my path in this spiritual journey of self-realization.

It becomes the north star that guides me through each of my days.

It is about spiritual awareness

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the Moon, and the truth.” —Buddha

Being born under a full moon has always given me an extra sense of spiritual awareness. Spiritual Meaning Of Being Born On A Full Moon

It shows up in many ways.

Examples — a sense of empathy for what another person is feeling, almost an ability to feel someone else’s feelings, and a deep connection with animals.

This awareness comes with its own set of difficulties. In the beginning, its torrent of spiritual energy was almost too much to contain.

However, as I matured and found ways of handling these energies, it has turned into something quite powerful in terms of personal evolution.

The light from the full moon seems to grace me with vision below the crust of earth and flesh, revealing secrets or something like them.

Basically, I am intuitive when it comes to taking decisions and relationships. born on a full moon spiritual meaning

I feel comfort and solace in the closeness of how I know myself through these cycles — the moon phases.

Such spiritual insight is a blessing but it must be nurtured to fully appreciate its possibilities.

It is about duality

“Love is being able to view a situation without adding duality to it.” ― Alaric Hutchinson

A full moon is the balance of light and darkness.

I constantly feel the juxtaposition of light to dark, good versus bad or joy and sorrow in my life, which molds how I move through the world.

Since I can ever remember — my life has been a series of contrasts, from some perspective, the seasons in which highs and lows are acutely experienced.

I learned to accept it than fear it. It is a perspective that has let me unconventionally look at life. born on a full moon meaning

I am called to delve into the caverns of both my light and shadow.

This journey of self-integration is never really on the back burner, but it brings unfathomable spiritual growth.

This split personality bubbles over into my relationships.

This is mostly showcasing itself through very high levels of empathy and understanding but also presenting its issues.

As with other human beings, the strong emotions in me sometimes cause inner turmoil, as you will see.

It is about serving others

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

Those born under the full moon’s energy want to use that desire to help others achieve balance in their lives. what does it mean to be born on a full moon

That calling can show up in a wide variety of roles.

Examples — from traditional doctors and psychologists to more unconventional channels like energy healers, spiritual teachers or community leaders.

This is not an easy path to walk but it sure as hell provides the most satisfaction.

The path is me having to be incredibly self-aware, and kind of soft in how hard we can get on others around our wounds.

I had the feeling that this was my calling in life quite early on. I have a strong sensitivity to people and their sufferings.

The same is true of the path of learning. Like the changing phases of a full moon, I’ve come to accept these cycles in my own life.

It is about unveiling the true self

“The kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21

It is known that a full moon sheds light on all around us and also upon the darkest of places within ourselves. full moon baby meaning

This light is like a compass in my exploration of self.

Obviously, this journey has not been direct.

It illuminates aspects of myself that have been locked into the shadows — fears, insecurities, and unhealed parts from my past. But it is also my chance to face these parts and heal them, in a way that increases both consciousness around myself and compassion for me towards self.

I have gone through periods of my life where the only way to define those times would be an ‘introspective deep dive’ if you were describing it with a hashtag.

It takes courage and self-honesty to go on this journey of open-ended self-discovery.

Through the wisdom of his light, I am opening up to see who is really inside me and trying to be like him.

It is about energy

“Life is energy and, as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all.”― Donna Goddard

A time of great manifestation is the full moon, when the power of the moon is strongest. being born on a full moon

If you were born on a full moon this power of creation is amplified to the degree that is blowing everything in its way.

I have always taken note of how well I can manifest my desires into reality and the more time progressed, the better this has become to me.

I realized that manifestation isn’t just about ‘wanting’ things to happen.

It requires a profound comprehension of the way intention, energy and action play off one another.

With great power comes tremendous responsibility.

The energy of the full moon can sometimes be pretty powerful. But I learned to conserve my energy, work from a place of intention and be deliberate with everything that I do so it always leads me forward instead of all over the place simultaneously.

It is about reflecting

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27:17

My relationships have deep meaning for me. dreamiing about giving birth under full moon

The light of the full moon represents illumination, and in terms of relationships, it is typically a time when things become clear — you see what’s “really” going on.

I have to learn through trial and error that with myself and those who come into my life, relationships tend to be very intense, giving rise experientially for storm clouds of personal growth instead.

I am attracted to lovers who help me grow by making my face and overcoming the scary shit inside of myself.

With both friends and my family, I tend to be the guide or counselor providing support and guidance. But then I also realized that the way to keep these relationships going was about balancing them, so I didn’t give more than what I was getting.

It is about balance

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” –Rumi

Being born on a full moon created that balance between intuition and logic. what does it mean if your born on a full moon

The full moon is a symbol of the balance between two extremes, and that is how I look at life.

This balance of the intuitive and logical has become a saving grace in my life.

I rely on intuition, but I also evaluate what is pragmatic. This double-pronged way helps me to follow my spiritual path.

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