Spiritual Meaning Of Being Strangled In A Dream

Spiritual Meanings Of Being Strangled In A Dream:

It is about the life force

Breath is life itself. It is the first thing I did when I was born, and it will be the last thing to do in my life.

In other words, the spiritual implications of being strangled really do relate to suffocation or choking, broadly defined by their symbolic association with breath.

If I am dreaming of being strangled, then my breath is not free and, therefore, a symbol of a life force that cannot flow freely within me

This limitation takes a number of forms in my day-to-day life.

Maybe I feel powerless or a victim of oppression. The dream is a mirror, showing me my issues so that I can take them on and be with them.

Breath is also the bridge between form and spirit from a soul point of view. Spiritual Meaning Of Being Strangled In A Dream

Breathing techniques are used in spiritual tradition mainly for higher levels of consciousness and connecting with the divine energy.

A dream where I have my breath cut off might signal a hindered connection with this sacred whole-ness as well.

The issue summons me to take a look at where I am putting up roadblocks or cutting off my flow from that source.

It is about helplessness

Experiencing this in your dreams can often leave you feeling helpless.

These feelings are not just in the dream but usually betray anxieties and deep-seated fears that also apply to my waking moments.

So, the feeling of being suffocated represents when I feel tied down and repressed, unable to express my truth or be who I truly am.

From what I can see with my dreams, these are the things that confront me in a big way, facing where fear and powerlessness are coming at me.

It takes courage to look these feelings in the eye and go within for ways of getting my power back. Spiritual Meanings Of Being Strangled In A Dream

This may include practicing boundaries, taking time, reaching out to loved ones for support or creating resources in the self that strengthen you.

The feeling of strangulation could also suggest past traumas creeping back up.

Possibly, those are memories that my subconscious is pointing out to me for healing or letting go.

It is also important to move spiritually and take time for meditation, journaling or therapy accompanied by mini-spiritual practices that will help you process these emotions.

It is about throat chakra blockages

Vishuddha​ ​is the Sanskrit name for what is more commonly known as the throat chakra focusing on expression and communication, voice and truth.

One of the common things that many experience when having dreams that are being strangled is blockages in this chakra.

These blockages show up as challenges in being able to say what I need, fear of our voice mattering and or not being heard/understood. being choked in a dream

The first step in balancing the throat chakra is to practice speaking out loud, honestly, and openly.

It can be as easy and accessible to me as living my truth in daily discourse or singing, scripting stories, or painting.

The trick is to find means and ways for myself that would allow me to let the pent-up energy out, letting emotions cause blockage.

Maybe a suffocating dream is telling me to take a look at how real I am in my communication.

Am I speaking my truth or hiding behind fear of what people might think, say or do?

Finding my authentic voice and being confident that it is mine to truly use has been a healing journey in itself, but one well worth the effort on the other side.

It is about relationships

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” – Luke 6:31

Dreams of being choked can also reveal power dynamics in my relationships.

These dreams suggest that I am in a position where someone is dominating me, controlling my life with some wicked bondage. dream about being choked

It could be a significant other, family member, friend or possibly even someone at work.

Strangling in the dream symbolizes gasping for oxygen under these imbalanced power dynamics stomping my spirit into submission.

The acceptance of the dynamics mentioned above is the beginning of evolution.

This means recognizing where I feel out of control and finding ways to assert my authority over, well… myself.

I stand for difficult conversations and clear boundaries — even if it means leaving, perhaps especially then.

These dreams were signaling, at a spiritual level, that I needed to come back into my power.

They are living proof that I am a free man and have to exercise my freedom of being myself.

Coming to terms with it has been empowering because it is a gateway toward having better relationships between myself and others.

It is about inner demons

“We must all face our demons sooner or later.” ― Matt Abrams

Being strangled in a dream can also be interpreted as a confrontation with my inner demons. dream about being strangled

These are the parts of self that might have been ignored or intentionally suppressed by me — but they want to be seen. The dream is a projection of these hidden facets.

Confrontation is a process that is challenging.

That includes confronting my fears, admitting to where I am weak, and embracing the range of who I fully appear.

In doing so, I can turn them into shadows that then create strengths and knowledge.

This process can be assisted by taking up shadow work as a powerful spiritual practice.

I continue to unearth intuitive layers, bringing up what has been buried in the unconscious and integrating that into my waking reality.

It is a process of soul searching and mending that takes me to more wholeness.

It is about spiritual awakening

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Spiritual enlightenment is a process that strips down my old self. being strangled in a dream

The feeling of being strangled symbolizes the turbulent way we usually get through this process.

In a spiritual awakening process, you will find yourself feeling wandering with no direction to go.

This is the act of releasing. Certainly, it is a painful process, one that requires us to confront and let go layer upon layer of long-held fears and attachments.

In the end, you will experience a deeper sense of freedom.

By letting go of the old skin, I am again able to shine through in my essence.

It is about anxiety

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

Being strangled in my dreams may also manifest as a product of the stress and anxiety that I live through on a daily basis.

This is the way my subconscious mind tries to show me how I still have disturbing or exhausted feelings, and they come in dreams.

This is reflective of the way in which anxiety and stress can make it feel as though my life breath has been strangled.

Dealing with these dreams means managing or limiting the amount of stress in my life.

This may include relaxation techniques, exercise, or speaking to friends and family.

It is about healing

“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

A strangulation dream is a strong invitation to look at yourself and begin the process of healing.

They remind me to stop and look deeply at those parts of my life which require love.

This self-reflective process is critical for spiritual development and overall happiness.

The process of self-reflection is how I remain aware and helps me to ground my thoughts, feelings and actions.

It guides me in understanding the patterns of resolutions.

This is the first step to self-transformation and healing.

There are, of course, many things that may help with this practice.

Meditation, journaling and mindfulness are three of the many ways that will help me to tune into my inner self & provide some clarity around this.

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