Spiritual Meaning Of Broom Standing Upside Down

Spiritual Meanings Of Broom Standing Upside Down:

It is about reversal

“The last will be first, and the first will be last.” – Matthew 20:16

I feel the magic of turning a broom upside down.

I have found that these types of turnarounds happen when I need to transform my point of view from the material to the spiritual dimension.

Normally, a broom is used to sweep away debris.

When I flip it over, it is almost like seeing the world through a broom that sweeps away stale energies.

This can become a habitat of a spiritual practice.

But, hey, this is not all about just physical cleaning.

An upside-down broom is a symbol that I need to flip some negative thought patterns — or samskaras as Buddhism calls them — the subtle impressions of my past actions. Spiritual Meaning Of Broom Standing Upside Down

In changing how I approach situations, I am cleaning my mind and spirit as the broom cleanses my home.

This act of reversal has created spiritual growth by creating space for what I want to bring in.

It is about balance

“As above, so below, as within, so without.” – The Kybalion

The image of an upside-down broom just speaks to me with clarity about that tension between earthly and heavenly energies.

I feel invited to pull the earth up from above into that handle.

Over the years of my spiritual path, I have come to find that balance is a critical element in dealing with difficulties. spiritual meaning of broom standing

The broom standing on the end is an image of that balance, and it inspires me to mix my spiritual practices with the mundane.

I want to be able to have both my feet firmly on the ground when all is said and done, much like having a broom standing perfectly upright.

It is not possible to always strike this balance.

And it takes mental effort and diligence when I notice that upright broom, it helps me to seek out balance and not allow one realm to dominate over the other.

It is about clearing spiritual debris

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” – Psalm 51:10

The broom is more physical because it involves clearing out dirt and clutter. broom upside down meaning

The moments when I will sweep while turning my broom upside down turn its purpose from one of a physical state to that of being in spirit.

It transforms into a sacred act, purifying meanwhile the invisible energies that can collect in my life and space.

When stood up by its handle, the broom is an invitation to sweep up not just the mess of physical dust, material objects and day-to-day collections but also the energetic debris that clings in my subconscious.

These are doubts or fears, leftover resentment from yesterday or stored old stuff that I need to let go of.

Basically, a broom upside down is a symbolic act of sweeping away negativity.

When upturned, the broom seems to possess a protective presence that prepares it in order for positive energies can circulate freely.

That act of purging is vital to creating a healthy spiritual atmosphere in my home and personally.

It is about protection

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer…” – Psalm 18:2

The upside-down broom holds great protection energy for me. upside down broom by the door

I see the broom as a guardian of the threshold, protecting it from unwelcome negative energies.

And when I stand it with the bristles facing down, this protective energy is intensified and sort of surrounds me in a barrier.

The upside-down broom, bristling upward as a guardian, catches the filth and traps it before getting down to grow.

And it is not just about physical space. I realized that the broom symbolism was also walking into my personal energy field.

And so, by calling upon the protective power of that broom on its end, I can strengthen my physical layers and be safe from harm.

This security becomes more important for me if I feel spiritually weak.

It is about the energy of the elements

“For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth…” – Colossians 1:16

Turning the broom upside down, I feel it to be a magical antenna for the earth, air, fire and water elements. broom spiritual meaning

I work with these elements in my spiritual practice on a regular basis.

If I infuse them with intention, I can make use of each one as support for directing various energies to goals that resonate at the level of spirit.

The broom handle (earth) is represented by the wooden part of the broom that makes contact with me and is grounded as a consequence.

The handle touching the floor is a connection between earth energy. It moves upwards through this pathway to ground my intentions.

Air is embodied in the broom, sweeping dust and dirt away to make room for new energies.

I need to clear my air space in a very literal way and energetically speaking.

I must also sweep away the old forms of thinking so that positive thoughts can grow.

The speeding up symbolizes fire from purification.

Like a flame that purifies, the upside-down broom acts as my little spiritual scrubber.

It swept out and washed away all of those left-behind emotions clinging to my space and spirit.

I deepen this connection to fire through ritualistic things.

Turning the broom upside down is an example of what fire does. witch on broom with scary face

The waviness in sweeping mirrors the fluidity of water.

I associate water with emotions, so the broom is linked to cleansing my emotional body and purifying away my feelings of sadness, anger or fear.

It is about intentional living

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” – Colossians 3:23

Spiritual practice is about being mindful.

Setting a broomstick upside down, it inspires me to live with that same level of intention in every aspect.

Through that lens, the broom standing upside down calls me to live mindfully. I need to find spiritual expression through menial tasks and act with intention.

To me, this is what intentional living means — seeing the holiness in the mundane and following through on fulfilling its divine promise.

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