Spiritual Meaning Of Dreaming About An Old Crush

Spiritual Meanings Of Dreaming About An Old Crush:

It is about unresolved emotions

“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius

Every time I have dreamt of a high school crush, it comes across to me as something unresolved, finally seeing the light of day from deep within my mental graveyard.

These dreamy pokes seem to bring me back the feelings I must have buried away somewhere a long time ago.

From time to time, these feelings creep up on me.

It usually happens if a trigger prompts a change in some part of myself.

At a spiritual level, I feel these dreams are trying to alert my soul so that I can deal with these emotional leftover bits.

The dream is not so much about the person as it is what they represent. Spiritual Meaning Of Dreaming About An Old Crush

For me, the secret is in self-observation.

If I can start to look at these in truth, then maybe, just maybe, some other issues will dissolve from the psyche.

This dream shows me what happens if I do not deal with the emotions and then they turn into spiritual baggage.

The Symbolism

“The only way to deal with the past is to keep it where it is, in the past.” – Paul McCartney

When I have a dream involving an old crush, one of the first things that they represent are all of those complicated emotions I felt during such brief contact or lack thereof. dream about old crush

Emotionally, these dreams reflect one aspect of myself I link to that person.

It is an association I either long for or need to put down.

I tend to think that it is valuable to explore the dream to figure out which aspect of my past it happens to reflect.

So, for example – if I have this dream at a big moment in my life — what if it is just my subconscious trying to find footing in the change by reaching way back to when things were different.

Maybe I was more naive than hopeful or carefree.

The old crush represents the traits that I have to reintegrate or recognize and release in order to progress. dreaming about an old crush

It is about healing

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” – Hippocrates

Dreaming about an old crush is actually healing.

If I dream of an old crush, then that would just say my soul is ripe for healing from the emotional scars and woes tied to this particular crush.

This healing is not simply for closure. I need to blend those lessons learned into my current self. dreaming of an old crush

It is about emotions

“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.” – Wayne Dyer

Dreaming about an ex-crush is a mirror to help illuminate what is occurring emotionally right now.

I have found that these types of dreams occur when my present weather emotionally matches the old feelings I used to carry for this person.

If I am feeling loss or unmet desire in my waking life, one way that subconscious feelings could be expressed is by showing me the crushed dream.

It is as though my soul talks to me, linking the past with the present so that I can hear where my heart stands.

These dreams can provide deep insights into my soul, uncover the feelings I am sailing on and show me there are still unresolved feelings from decades back that affect how I feel today. dream of old crush

To understand this spiritual message deeper, I always see what feelings were there in the dream and try to compare it with my current life situation.

So, with this understanding I am experiencing in relation to these stories, I can now feel my emotions more about what is going on for me right here and how.

It is about nostalgia

“Nostalgia is a seductive liar.” – George Ball

Nostalgia romanticized that time in history when happiness or success felt different then.

I see nostalgia as more than a trip down memory lane from a supernal point of view, but instead it constitutes my soul’s bid to retrace the footsteps that I have lost and forgotten.

But I also understand that nostalgia is truly a double-edged sword.

And so it does bring comfort and joy but then, on the other, keeps me anchored in the past, stealing my present and preventing me from living an even better future. dreams about old crush

It is about spiritual awakening

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” – Rumi

Love is a major driving factor for awakening to the spiritual path.

Dreaming about an old crush shows up because I am at a point of quite a spiritual peek where the known love emotions guide me in through.

In my spiritual journey I realized that love was more than a feeling, it was an energy connecting us to the divine. That love was all part of my spiritual journey.

If I take on the emotion it came, then I can utilize that energy for my spiritual awakening. dreams about old crushes

It is about moving forward

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

In the end though, what dreaming about an old crush means to me is less exciting and more simple—progressing on my spiritual path.

These dreams are the foot-high block letters of a digital billboard in Times Square, sharing with screaming enthusiasm that I have taken LITERALLY everything from this and grown more than was conscionably asked off any human soul ever.

These dreams enable me to process my emotions and memories as stepping stones in the purpose of fulfilling greater self-awareness and moving to spiritual enlightenment. dream about an old crush

Every dream is an opportunity to see my past and know how much I have grown, as well as state out loud where I want to be next.

I accept it all as signs from the Universe.

Basically, dreaming about an old crush provides healing and launches a new direction.

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