The Spiritual Meaning Of Finding Hair In Your Food

Over the years, I have become accustomed to a rather strange phenomenon: finding food in my hair.

If you are like me, then finding hair in our food is likely to make us grossed out.

However, this happens to me on such a regular basis it is almost hard to get annoyed about it at this point.

It has, though, made me wonder one thing: is there a spiritual meaning of finding hair in your food?

Whether I go out to eat at a restaurant, cook something extravagant at home, or throw together a quick meal, I tend to find hairs in my food.

Now, back when I was a teenager, this made sense – I had long, thick hair, so it made sense that some of my hair might wind up in my food.

However, ever since I was in my early 20s, I have had short, cropped hair – mostly a skin fade, so barely enough hair for it to fall into my food!

Despite that, I, like many of us, find hairs in my food. Hairs that are a different color from mine and a different style.

Now, finding that in a restaurant makes me question the hygiene of the culinary team; finding it at home, in a dish I cooked myself, from scratch? hair in food spiritual meaning

That is just weird!

We can find hair in our food quite easily, and most of the time, there is a logical explanation. However, I tend to find deeper meanings for such a phenomenon.

Look around, and we can find the spiritual meaning of finding hair in your food.

The Symbolism Of Hair: What Does Hair Resemble Spiritually?

“But not a hair of your head will perish.” – Luke 21:18

Having found this happening a little too often for my liking, I have been reading into the concept of finding hair in our food. And I discovered something pretty interesting.

In Buddhist tradition, it is believed that hair is a symbol of vanity and personal ego.

That is why monks of Buddhism shave their heads – to renounce this part of their ego and to remove a material pleasure that can corrupt the mind. Spiritual Meaning Of Finding Hair In Your Food

However, some Buddhists also believe that hair can be a pretty good trap for previous toxic energy and negative spiritual thinking.

Indeed, many believe that by cutting off our hair, we can remove some of the toxicity that we carry with us on a daily basis.

Our hair can holding us back in one way or another.

Regrets & Anger

“Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.” – Mahatma Gandhi

We can carrying about regrets or anger at someone – or something – that has limited our ability to find satisfaction in life.

We might even be carrying a negative spirituality around with us, focusing on the wrong things in life. spiritual meaning of finding hair in food

By removing our hair, some spiritualists believe that we are removing negativity that we might be carrying around with us without even knowing it.

As I read more into the topic of spirituality and hair, though, I found that most believe that finding hair in our food is a negative thing. It is not seen as a positive thing.

At first, given my understanding was that losing hair was a shedding of potential negativity and toxicity, I thought that my regular dealings with hair in my food might have been a positive thing.

Apparently not!

However, in my readings, I have found that many believe that despite not being a positive discovery, finding hair in our food can be a good way to help us change focus and move in a new direction. finding hair that isn't mine spiritual meaning

What Are The Spiritual Meanings Of Finding Hair In Your Food?

“Every distraction, even a tiny hair, draws you back to the now.” – Eckhart Tolle

While finding hair in our food is never a nice thing – who wants to eat hair? – it can contain some important spiritual messages.

Sadly, finding hair in our food has a negative spiritual connotation.

What we can do, though, is use that negativity to help guide us on a different path.

Here are some of the most common spiritual meanings of finding hair in our food.

I will admit that upon further reading, I have noticed that more than a few of these symbols exist in my life! finding hair in food meaning

You Are Struggling To Move On

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” – Frederick Douglass

The first spiritual meaning of hair in our food that I came across, which I could relate to, was an inability to move on.

When I first began to notice that I had hair on my food on a regular basis, I was going through a toxic relationship.

Though the relationship made me sad, the loneliness that its ending caused made me feel even worse: I yearned for that relationship, toxicity and all.

We retain energy from our past, including negative energy.

So, if we are focused on what has already happened as opposed to the present and building a better future, we find ourselves finding happiness in our food on a more regular basis.

This results in a negative energy buildup that shedds through our hair. what does it mean when you keep finding hair in your food

This is our bodies and spirituality, giving us the sign that we need to let go of that negative energy and move on with our lives.

Instead of focusing on what we have lost, this is a spiritual sign we need to focus on what we have now.

You Are Constantly Distracted

“Focusing is about saying no.” – Steve Jobs

If you are anything like me, you probably find it easy to get sidetracked and blindsided by distractions.

I have been there more than once; I think we all have.

If we find it hard to focus on the task at hand, our lives can begin to become more negative.

We find it hard to stay on top of the challenges we face in life and move forward to progress.

If we find hair in our food, it is a sign that we are not focused enough. spiritual meaning of finding hair

We are focused on the things that do not matter or things that are a simple distraction from what we should be focused on.

However, some argue the opposite, that noticing hair in our food is a sign that we are not distracted and instead are mindful of all the things happening around us, little and large.

I personally found that I noticed hair in my food more when I was distracted from the things I should be focusing on and paying attention to.

Everyone is different, but I felt more likely to spot hair in my food when I was trying to distract myself from the things that actually matter.

You Are In A Negative Cycle

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Another commonly found spiritual meaning of hair in our food, though, is that we are in a negative cycle in our lives. finding hair in food

We could be in one of those negative cycles where we keep consuming negative information.

For example, we might be between jobs at the moment, and thus, we find ourselves constantly reading into the job market, trying to find a reason for this lack of employment.

By reading about all of the negative content out there about the job market, though, we begin to feel that negativity overwhelms us.

Finding hair in our food can be a sign that we are spending too much time dealing with negativity.

If we are consuming negative and downbeat content, it is almost certainly going to make us feel worse.

That causes physical stress, which leads to hair loss and shedding. why do i keep finding hair in my food

So, there is a physical representation of the spiritual discomfort we feel by focusing so much on the negatives in the world.

I have found myself in these cycles more than once, consuming negativity and then noticing that my food appears to have hair in it. Is this a sign?

You Spend Time With The Wrong People

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

The other main spiritual meaning of hair in our food that I felt I connected with was the idea of toxic energy coming from others.

Spiritualists believe that we are always absorbing the energy of those around us and that this energy is stored in our bodies – yes, including within our hair.

So, if we spend a lot of time around negative people who are not good for us, we absorb their negative energy.

Some see it like this: if we are eating good food but find hair in the dish, it spoils the appeal.

It makes us see the food as dirty or damaged. Well, the same spiritual meaning can be attached to the people we spend our time with in life. what does it mean when you find hair in your food

Our well-being and self-satisfaction get weakened because we spend so much time around people who are not good for us.

We begin to consume their negative and toxic energy, which results in us struggling to find positivity and happiness in life.

This makes it hard for us to find peace of mind, and I have been there more than once.

It is not a nice feeling, and it has left me feeling pretty cold.

When removing those malign influences from my life, though, hey presto!

The hairs in my food were reduced!

There is absolutely something in the idea that finding hair in our food has a spiritual meaning.

I have endured too many experiences in my life that correlate with regularly finding food in my hair to doubt it.

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