Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing Lizard In Dream

Spiritual Meanings Of Seeing Lizard In Dream:

It is about survival

“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” – Aristotle

In my dreams, the lizard represents an absolute symbol of survival.

Lizards are creatures who have outlived even neanderthals by millions of years through endless evolutions and adaptations.

When I see a lizard, I remember my survival instincts.

The lizard is my inner strength to persevere and overcome any obstacle.

An obstacle can be mental (for example – one of my fears) or physical (for example – the back pain that I have recently). However, a lizard in my dreams is like a warrior who resides within and can overcome. Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing Lizard In Dream

What I find so interesting about lizards is their ability to change skin. (Note – chameleons are capable of changing the color of their skin.)

In my dreams, it feels like a message telling me to change my mentality.

This actually means that I should be a new version of myself.

It is about ancient wisdom

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates

Lizards in my dreams are protectors of ancestral wisdom.

Most native traditions see lizards as carriers of ancient knowledge.

For instance, reptilian attributes were worn by rulers as manifestations of their sacred status. dream of lizard

When I receive visits from lizards in my dreams, I have some thoughts that they are calling me to the wisdom that was left behind.

Almost as if I am being called to greatness. It may entail engaging with spiritual traditions or simply following one’s intuitive revelations.

In my dreams, the lizard resembles a messenger from the spirit world, bringing me important advice sent to aid by my ancestors.

So when I have a dream of a lizard, I always try to look for messages.

These messages are in the form of synchronicities or even direct communication with me during my dreams.

As lizards are also amazingly sensitive to the energies around them, I understand how important it is to listen and trust in my intuition.

My dreams are there to help me stay on my spiritual path with deeper insight. lizard in dream

It is about regeneration

“Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.” – Gautama Buddha

Lizards are the grand masters of regeneration. Note – there are many studies on this topic. See here and here.

When I see lizards in my dreams, they tend to carry a message relating to healing.

It is as if the dream wants to say that I am in a situation of being inwardly born anew, renewed and transformed.

The lizard shows me that I can heal and rebuild.

To me, when a lizard comes into my dream, it feels like an indication that something within me is healing.

Reincarnation and healing are closely related to spiritual enlightenment.

If I have a dream of a lizard indicates that I’m going through an inner change. dream about lizard

This can result in enlightenment of my nature and purpose.

The lizard message is telling me not to be afraid, and the new beginnings are almost upon and soon here. Trust in transformation.

When I think about these dreams, they have me reflecting on the parts of my life where perhaps a regeneration is occurring.

As I provide myself with the time to heal from old wounds, the lizard in my dream continues to pop up.

I think it is a hint about how strong we really are when it comes to changing for the better.

It is about intuition

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung

Lizards are instinctual creatures. dream about lizards

They can sense the energies in their environment.

I feel that there is a call to embrace the power of intuition.

It is so amazing how powerful our intuition can be.

In my dreams, the lizard symbolizes for me to listen to myself.

To heed the internal advice I already have within me.

On a spiritual level, learning to trust my intuition is about deepening the relationship I have with myself and all other energies.

When the lizard shows up in my dreams, it is a message to strengthen my intuition.

The Element of Earth

“The earth does not belong to us: we belong to the earth.” – Marlee Matlin

Lizards are connected with the element of earth. dreaming about lizards

When I encounter them in dreams, my body feels an urgent need to re-ground.

The earth element spiritually signifies grounding.

When I feel stressed, reconnecting with something concrete keeps my ground in an equilibrium state.

Dream Examples and Their Interpretations

Dream of a Lizard Chasing Me

A dream of a lizard trying to catch me (Note – Komodo dragons sprint at 12mph) indicates that there was some fear I was running away from in my waking life.

Dream of a Lizard Changing Colors

A dream of seeing a lizard change colors signifies the way in which I can camouflage myself to my surroundings. lizards in dream meaning

On a spiritual level, the dream speaks of my ability to feel confident in any situation.

Dream of a Lizard in Your Home

If a lizard invades my home in my dream, then it signifies that someone is intruding on my “home.”

It signals an individual and situation that is “invading” my safe space.

Dream of a Lizard Losing Its Tail

Seeing a lizard drop its tail through which it can defend itself by doing so is telling me that I must let go of something important for my survival/facing some sort of challenge in real life.

Dream of a Lizard Watching Me

If a lizard is just observing me in my dream, it means I have to pay increased attention and go with the gut feeling.

The look of the lizard is an invitation to be more aware. meaning of lizard in house

Dream of a Lizard in Water

A lizard in the water symbolizes emotional healing. Spiritually, dreaming of a lizard in water means that I am dealing with emotional stuff.

In a dream where I see a lizard eating an insect, it is a representation of my ability to overcome obstacles.

When I see a dead lizard in his dream, it represents that I’m at the end of the cycle.

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