Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Spiritual Meanings

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly – Spiritual Meaning:

It is about colors

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13

The unmistakable yellow and black markings of the tiger swallowtail butterfly are anything but random.

To me, these colors represent divine connection and higher spiritual awareness.

Yellow color symbolizes wisdom, joy and clarity.

Black color represents the enigma of what is not seen but felt by my gut.

Hand in hand, these colors balance one anothe.

An alchemical marriage between light and dark that calls me to meet both my known (light) side as well as those aspects which remain unknown.

If I see a tiger swallowtail flutter by, it is my notice that balance must be brought into play.

Or maybe I’ve simply lost sight of my peace due to me spreading myself too thin on outward achievements. Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

The colours on the butterfly make me reflect whether I am also in tune with both my material part and the spiritual self.


“Synchronicity is God sending us messages anonymously.” – Deepak Chopra

When a tiger swallowtail flutters by, it’s not just luck.

Butterflies are seen as messengers in spiritual traditions.

They are the link between material and non-material realms.

When I come across one, it almost feels like a trigger to focus on what is going in my life right now.

There are no chance encounters, only purposeful signs to point me in the direction of my way.

Synchronicities are those moments when the universe speaks to me directly and orchestrates events in ways that seem too coincidental. Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Spiritual Meanings

When I see a tiger swallowtail, something big is going on in my life.

It is about spiritual protection

“The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life.” – Psalm 121:7

I have always felt the tiger swallowtail is a type of protective totem for me.

These common butterflies are protectors.

They help us stay away from negative energy.

I sometimes feel that seeing a tiger swallowtail flitting about is the equivalent of having an angel watching over me.

And this protection isn’t just about keeping me out of physical danger, but also shielded me off of any emotional and spiritual dangers.

The butterfly helps my energy stay clear and keeps me in a high vibration. tiger swallowtail butterfly meaning

Whenever I spot a tiger swallowtail, it is like the spirit has my back.


“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete.” – James 1:4

The process of transformation for the tiger swallowtail is slow.

In that way it helps me understand something truly deep about patience.

Patience is necessary to spiritual growth.

Because I fail to learn the lessons in every step when I rush.

Patience enables me to learn each lesson entirely and enjoy every moment. swallowtail butterfly meaning

The tiger swallowtail teaches me that things may be slow going, but in the waiting I will find my power.

It is about joy

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24

I need to take pleasure in the small things.

Butterflies only have a short life, but while they do bring so beaing in the world.

Their carefree flying and bright colors represent the notion of being here now.

Finding beauty in what is around us.

As I work to some goals in the future, it is easy for me to pass by the little moments of beauty that actually make life wonderful. However, true joy is found in capturing with carefree grace.

Quick glances of simple joys that fade faster than they came.

Sometimes the message of a tiger swallowtail is simple: be joyful in just being, for life itself. tiger swallowtail meaning

This state of mind not only gives me peace, but also brings more closeness to god.

It is about spiritual awakening

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5

Butterflies have always been very symbolic in my own life, especially when used as an allegory for spiritual awakening.

Because in many ways, the tiger swallowtail is my personal example for this path of awakening.

But this awakening may come only at a cost.

I might have to let go of the old beliefs that no longer align with my highest self.

In practice, acknowledging the spirit of tiger swallowtail brings me closer to my own authentic Self. eastern tiger swallowtail meaning

Enlightenment is not a static thing.

It will always be growing and expanding.


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.” – Ephesians 2:10

The tiger swallowtail’ s bright coloration and striking design make me consider the ideas of creativity and self-expression.

The butterfly brought back to mind that each and every one of us is as beautiful in our unique ways.

Since no two butterflies are the same, I should express my true individuality and inner creativity as well.

On a spiritual level, creativity speaks to my whole life and how I live it.

Which choices bring me closer or further from creative energy forces.

Refocusing, the tiger swallowtail is telling me to move forward with my creativity and in turn a place of awareness about yourself. eastern tiger swallowtail spiritual meaning

I feel as though creativity is a gift from God that brings me closer to my higher self.

When I am authentic, this deep level of spirit resonates within me and in my life with healing results for both myself as well as others.

The message of a tiger swallowtail whose beauty is intended to activate the creative abundance in my life.

It is about spiritual freedom

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

The tiger swallowtail flutters on quickly.

This is a spiritual signal from my soul to let go of all heaviness. tiger butterfly meaning

I think of butterflies flitting from flower to flower so weightlessly, without burden. And this ease helps me realize that since I am human, anything unexpected can happen at any time.

When it does, spiritual freedom is mine through letting go of the emotional weight.

In my life, I have carried invisible loads — regrets, fears and unprocessed emotions that weigh me down.

I need to let go of these weights, and instead accept the ease which accompany spiritual surrender.

I am supposed to soar being light and free from the weight of yesterday.

Releasing is the first step into spiritual freedom.

The Divine Feminine

“Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly.” – Proverbs 3:18

The tiger swallowtail is a perfect match with my representation of some aspect of the Divine Feminine. tiger swallowtail spiritual meaning

Every time I see this butterfly, I honor these traits in me (no matter the gender).

Butterflies also symbolize the soul.

The tiger swallowtail speaks about the intuitive power of connecting to the Divine Feminine principle energies.

It is an energy of compassion, healing as well birthing new life in all its forms.

The tiger swallowtail asks me to trust my intuition and hear the messages of the cosmos.

In the process, I come into alignment with Divine energy so that a greater balance and harmony can manifest my life.

It is about soul expansion

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Each time I see a tiger swallowtail flit past, its broad wings are so full of the potential my soul has to evolve. swallowtail butterfly symbolism

This butterfly takes on the metaphorical representation of my soul expanding.

I am invited to “extend” my wings with a fearless pursuit of life’s possibilities.

Spiritually, soul expansion is about liberating myself from limitations.

It is literally a process of shedding small-mindedness in order to see my greater possibilities.

Each time I see a tiger swallowtail, I tell myself that the sky is not my limit.

I need to let my life be infinite with possibilities.

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