Twin Flame Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Twin Flame Kundalini Awakening Symptoms:


“Let us arise and go at once to meet the dawn” – Hafiz

The Kundalini energy initially rests at the base of the spine, in the root chakra — known as Muladhara.

To me it was the ground floor of all things.

In a twin flame union, this surge will lead these souls to feel deeply safe with one another.

It is a magnetic pull that goes beyond physical proximity and you are left with the instant knowing that you have known this person across lifetimes.

I did, too, something pulling us together in a way that neither made sense then, but I could not deny.

But nothing that intense is without a downside.

The root chakra deals with survival, family and belonging, so any fears or physical traumas I have around these areas will get triggered. Twin Flame Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

I recall anxiety sweeping over me every minute or so and my body suddenly becoming physically erratic — hot flashes, tingles in my arms and legs, a tightness gripping my lower back.

It was a Sunday when I desperately needed to feel rooted again, to ground myself back into the earth.

I walked for hours in my bare feet. Each blade of grass and grain of dirt felt with clarity.


“The wound is the place where the light enters you” – Rumi

As the energy rose, it came to my sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), and at this point — it was pure intensity.

The sacral chakra is the home of our feelings, passion, and sexual desire, which makes it even more intense in a twin flame relationship. kundalini awakening twin flame

Kundalini’s energy was burning and rippling through old dead emotions that were trapped within me— ancient wounds, traumas, fears, buried memories of past lives.

The reflection of these unhealed sensations that were being mirrored back to me by my twin flame became clear.

On a physical level, I felt woozy in my lower stomach and also had weird sensations of needing to pee while simultaneously experiencing pelvic pain where the energy was breaking up this kind of energetic blockage.


“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance” – Oscar Wilde

And only when the energy hit the solar plexus chakra (Manipura) it made me feel like I was getting my power back.

It was like all of a sudden — for the first time in my life — I wanted to draw these lines, make sure that lines were not crossed or, if they were crossed, at least shift within them. twin flame spiritual awakening

Manipura is the chakra of willpower and self-confidence. It was almost as if I was reaffirming my sovereignty.

I finally felt like I was ready to be the unapologetically true version of myself separate and but so very deeply connected with my twin flame.

Of course, it was not all a bed of roses.

With that empowerment, I entered the old patterns of control and self-worth.

On some level, I felt as though my body was trying to digest all the emotional power that had been streaming through my solar plexus.


“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” – 2 Timothy 1:7

The day the energy reached Anahata, my heart chakra, it was simultaneously the most amazing and also the shittiest thing ever. twin flame kundalini

The heart chakra is the place where we feel unconditional love and within union with a twin flame.

This is where I first felt that love was much more than just relationships.

However, with that love came the necessary healing.

Longstanding issues to do with past relationships, rejection and abandonment were all stirred up and crying out for attention.

I had a tight feeling through my chest, palpitations and moments of complete overwhelm. But I also knew that this was part of the process.

As I healed these wounds with my twin flame, it felt like peace and satisfaction.


“When people talk listen completely. Most people never listen.” ― Ernest Hemingway

When the Kundalini energy entered my throat chakra (Vishuddha), it was as if a force of verity had broken to the surface. kundalini energy twin flame

It was such a strong desire to speak my truth — not only to my twin flam but also to myself.

But it wasn’t always easy. As the energy traveled through my throat chakra, I had physical symptoms.

My throat would feel so tight, I’d start to cough, or things about my voice shifted etc. But when those blockages were removed, my words felt more potent and honest than they ever had.


“All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.” ― Edgar Allan Poe

This all changed when the Kundalini energy hit my third eye chakra (Ajna).

My telepathic connection with my twin flame gained depth. kundalini awakening twin flames

I used to feel a few things that were going on in their head when I wasn’t talking with them, and many other such incidents where, just after thinking about them, they knocked me back over the head.

This was no accident, this was a strong energetic tie that linked us together.

I felt a tension in my forehead, it was between the eye brows or as one would say; the zone of Ajna chakra which pushed through.

Headaches and light sensitivity would simply be indicators the chakra is, in fact, awakening to a higher vibrational resonance.


“The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening.” — Albert Einstein

So, the time it went all the way up to my crown chakra (Sahasrara), this was the end of union, not just with my twin flame but with god himself. kundalini rising twin flame

Sahasrara is the window to divine consciousness, and during this period, the separation between me, my twin flame and the universe disappeared.

It seemed that all material illusions turned out simply to create love and light.


“The kingdom of heaven is within you” – Luke 17:21

Then, once the Kundalini had gone through all my chakra centers, integration started happening.

This stage is where the magic happens in practice.

Energy fades, yes, but the lessons are just beginning. twin flame kundalini awakening

I had a spiritual awakening, and honestly, they are still happening, but what I had to learn was how to exemplify all of these truths in my daily life.

Balancing integration is a balancing act for sure. And that Kundalini awakening never goes away.

It is integrated completely into the reality of who you are. Becoming human, it turned out, required patience and self-compassion.

The bond between twin flames increases as they grow in avatars together.

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