Upside Down Triangle Symbol Spiritual Meanings

Upside Down Triangle Symbol Spiritual Meaning:

It is about the flow of energy

“For in Him we live and move and have our being.” – Acts 17:28

The upside-down triangle resonates with me in the same way the spiritual principle of — “As Above So Below” does.

As an inverted triangle pointing down, it seems to me that the upward divine energy is pouring down from heavenly realms into the earth.

This symbol invites me to interact with him.

Using the upside-down triangle allows me to open to those divine currents that flow through my life.

It brings sustenance to my cells. Its these currents that assist me with pulling in my greatest self and establishing these wants on Earth.

The Element of Water

“Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” – Amos 5:24

The inverted triangle is most associated with the water, emotions, intuition and what’s hidden in the subconscious. Upside Down Triangle Symbol Spiritual Meanings

Water teaches me how life can be fluid and strong at the same time.

To me, the upside down triangle is a container which houses the breadth of my emotional terrain.

Like water always moving down, I am influenced to move into the deeper steps of my emotional and spiritual life.

I access into my intuition and I am practicing cultivating emotional intelligence.

The upside-down triangle was the way to get my emotional self clean.

Water, in ancient tradition, is a purifier. I let go of old hurts and gremlins, and make room for light.

It is about the sacred feminine

“She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” – Proverbs 3:15

The upside down triangle represents the sacred feminine. Upside Down Triangle Symbol Spiritual Meaning

The downward position represents the womb. But the divine feminine is not gender per se, it’s qualities such as receptivity, intuition and compassion.

I am invited to embody these feminine qualities within myself, regardless of gender.

The divine feminine is all about balance. And whenever I look at this triangle, I know to always listen to the intuitive guidance that flows through me and the wisdom of my experience.

The triangle has symbolized the goddess of mother figures around the world and through all time, Isis, Shakti, Mary.

Engaging with these archetypes is a way of connecting me back to those nurturing, protective and creative forces in my own life.


“A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot.” – Ecclesiastes 3:2

The shape of the upside-down triangle expresses duality and polarity as well. upside down triangle symbol

For me, it symbolises the union of opposites — of heaven and earth, spirit and matter, male aspects & feminine qualities.

There is a fine balance between these forces, with the open base reaching up to heaven and grounded point burrowing deep into the earth.

This symbol is teaching me integration like nothing else.

It makes me think about the balance of the opposites in life that come together to create peace.

Integration of these forces in ourselves is for me reflected by the upside-down triangle.

Through it I see that with spiritual growth come opposite, complementary aspects.

The upside-down triangle is also an alchemical symbol, for the element of water (which combines with fire to create change).

When I balance contraries within myself, I can create a deep inner transformation.

It is about spiritual grounding

“My dear brothers and sisters, stand firm.” – 1 Corinthians 15:58

The downward-pointing triangle grounds spiritual energy on earth. upside down triangle sign meaning

It represents the flow of divine energy into the world through me being able to live and not just dream about my spiritual awakening.

Because part of the upside-down triangle and in meditation, I see myself as an instrument for spiritual power.

It is a practice that brings me into balance, keeps me stable and rooted in my higher self as I walk upon this earth.

The Path

“I form the light and create darkness.” – Isaiah 45:7

The downward-pointing triangle represents the way of descent, a pilgrimage into my own abyss.

More exactly, is it into what Jungians often refer to as dark shadow. This is what expanding consciousness is.

This how we truly get awake — descending more into the dark places of ourselves that are suppressed.

This dive is not at all negative or hopeless. It’s not even really about crying over lost work. what does an upside down triangle mean

It has more to do with daring to face the other parts of myself I have locked away.

The downward facing triangle is symbolic of this journey into the soul and its shadowy recesses.

The true depth where healing and transformation occur.

My resistance to this path feels like rejecting the calling of my soul alchemy from lead in my shadow into gold of consciousness.

We go down this way, reach to fear, traumas and unsolved emotions.

This is a symbol for the strong as going down to it in reality takes courage, as well as determination. However, the riches of your self-knowledge, emotional liberation, and spiritual awakening is always worthwhile.

It is about receptivity

“I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” – Psalm 32:8

The upside triangle at its heart speaks to me of receptivity. upside down triangle symbol spiritual

The slight downward angle suggest an open container, here to receive spiritual intuition, and energy.

It is a good reminder for me, that I have to keep on being open and receptive in my spiritual practice.

Being receptive, I have learned, is not passive. It requires a willingness to stop performing, listen, be led and let the thing mature.

I need to make room for intelligence to enter, moving aside trivial things so that I may receive love from source.

I surrender to the spiritual truth and welcome in levels of change.

It is an act of my ego pardoning and divine will.

I connect to the infinite information that flows through from upside-down triangle.

Sacred Geometry

“By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations.” – Proverbs 3:19

In sacred geometry, the triangle is a ubiquitous shape that signifies balance and harmony. upside down triangle meaning spiritual

Looking at the downward-pointing triangle, I perceive that to be the spiritual energy flowing with the dense matter of our existence a Divine connection between spiritual and material.

In this way, I also feel more connected to all realities as part of a larger understanding of sacred geometry.

I feel that by aligning myself with these patterns, I can live in a more spiritually nourishing manner.

I see now the significance of regulation and ultra in my spiritual routine.

When I meditate, when I pray, as I engage in ritual the upside down triangle is how connect to the underlying structure of that universe.

It calls to me to connect my inner world with the rhythms of nature.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

The upside down triangle AKA the downward pointing triangle, is an ancient mystical symbol representing both feminine power and the element of fire. inverted triangle symbolism

In the language of alchemy, triangles are the elements and the inverted triangle is water.

Transformation is an internal alchemy where my soul gets processed and turned into spiritual gold. And the upside-down triangle represents this notion of transforming lower energies into higher consciousness.

A source on my journey, helping me shift challenges, fears and constraints into potential growth and insight.

And when I birth the energy of the upside-down triangle, I call forth this process of transmutation into my life.


“So God created mankind in his own image.” – Genesis 1:27

I love the way the upside-down triangle symbolizes how divine feminine and masculine energies are one.

The upright triangle may signify the masculine, whereas the inverted triangle equates to the feminine. triangle upside down symbol

These two triangles joined become a hexagram; the symbols for this cooperation and unification of energies so profound.

It is an important balancing for my spiritual development.

What the upside down triangle teaches me is I require both the masculine and feminine in my character.

It is about finding the balance between active and passive, strong and soft, logical and intuitive.

Honoring the parts of me that are bossy helps me to spiritually ground in the Divine Masculine.

When I also honor the  flowing feminine parts, then I can feel a true sense of spiritual whole.

True power is found in this union. It’s not about picking one over the other, but about loving every part of who I am.

It demands my scrutiny, how these energies appear within me.

Or whatever it might be; am I action and controlling, or am I intuitive and flowing.

I can live a happier, more balanced and spiritually satisfying life where I humbly accept my imperfections yet know that each moment I am deserving of God’s love.

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