What Does The Color Purple Mean Spiritually

Spiritual Meanings Of The Color Purple:

It is about spiritual authority

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Purple is the color of higher wisdom. In the past, purple dye was so rare and expensive (it came from the mucous of an exceedingly rare sea snail shell) that only royalty could afford to wear it.

It was not just a sign of wealth, but it represented spiritual authority.

Those who dressed in purple were considered to have authority and spiritual wisdom.

Thinking about where purple sits on the color spectrum, it makes sense that this is what we think of when we consider wisdom.

It combines the fierceness of red and the calm ambiance of blue.

This equilibrium makes purple very special in that it has this quality to inspire introspection. color purple meaning

The crown chakra is connected with the color purple.

The 7th chakra refers to spiritual awakening, where I connect with the source.

Whenever I use purple in meditation, it is to seek some form of spiritual wisdom or a higher understanding.

Purple appears in religious iconography, as well.

Christian imagery shows high priests and even Christ himself wearing purple robes.

Hence, it has perpetually been a color symbolizing spiritual guidance.

It is about the journey

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2

Purple, to me is not only a color of wisdom but the real transformation kind. what does purple mean spiritually

The color purple does not allow a soft transition, and sometimes, change is very radical.

And it is that sort of change part of that has me stretching and growing in ways I never expected.

The color purple is associated with alchemy.

Alchemy is making the human spirit subtle.

Purple has been a color I resonate with when undergoing profound changes in my life or going through spiritual journeys.

This color allows me to step away from my old way of being and into a higher version of myself.

The difficulty is that purple isn’t the simplest vibration to control. It usually dares me to face my fears and insecurities.

These are the things I am afraid of acknowledging. But remember that these hard times are so important for our true spiritual growth. Purple helps me through these dark nights of the soul and into a better state of being. purple symbolism

What is also unique about the transformative power of purple is that it extends beyond people individually.

When it comes to working in a group, purple helps the energy of change, allowing for individual evolution but also maintaining that everyone evolves together.

It is about the mystical bridge

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” – Matthew 6:10

What I find most intriguing about purple is that it acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

In many esoteric traditions, purple works on high vibrations of the spiritual and material. what does the color purple symbolize

During meditation, I visualize purple to connect with the higher realms and keep me grounded in my body.

It is almost as though the color purple lets me straddle the paths of communicating with my Divine counterparts and dealing armor-deep in mundane problems.

It is about inner royalty

“For you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood…” – 1 Peter 2:9

Purple has always been associated with royalty. However, to me, it is not about external power or other titles.

It all comes down to acknowledging the sovereignty of my spirit: that connection within (to Source) and my duty.

The purple slide, and I feel invited to step into color more like a spiritual initiative.

I am not the victim in life but a partner with the divine.

Remembering my worth and the will I have to build on. seeing purple spiritual meaning

Purple is also indicative of dignity.

In the ancient world, only rich and influential persons could wear purple garments, which is an evident status sign.

Spiritually, purple tells me I need to respect myself with that same dignity as well.

To remember to respect my spiritual journey, and embody graceful confidence.

In my work, the purple things in life (literally or symbolically) help me conjure up that part of myself within and not something I need from without.

A wonderful reminder to travel through life with the great knowing of my divine self and the strength I store from being plugged into that source.

It is about intuition

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” – Albert Einstein

Purple is the color of intuition and psychic powers. purple spiritual meaning

It corresponds to the energy center that oversees my intuition, inner wisdom and psychic capabilities.

Whenever I work on fine-tuning my intuitive abilities, the color purple always assists me.

Regardless, it does assist in opening and balancing my chakras thus providing a clearer channel for intuitive information to move.

Whether I’m purple crystal-ing, lighting candles of the same color, or just visualizing it during meditation, the color purple always helps.

In addition to simply being my intuition, purple is an excellent resource I use for anyone who works as a healer or medium of any kind.

This energy forms a protective shield around us, protecting us from lower vibrations and allowing further connection to the higher realms of spirit.

It has also led me to trust my intuition more.

We are so trained to suppress the knowing inside and go with logic, but purple helps me even with my internal guidance.


“In a dream … He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction.” – Job 33:15-16

The color purple shows up in dreams to me as a spiritual message. purple meaning spiritual

And when it does come, I see that as a clutch in which guidance is being transmitted from an elevated power.

An indication that perhaps I am ready for a spiritual awakening or to probe into further realms of higher, universal truths.

Purple in my dreams also signifies transformation.

When I am starting upon some significant changes in my life or dealing with difficult periods, seeing the color purple gives me hope that all these experiences are connected to a greater spiritual evolution.

It is about emotional balance

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

Purple is a color I resonate with when it comes to healing on both physical and emotional levels.

The color purple is typically used to soothe the nervous system.

It helps with stress reduction and promotes an atmosphere of peace in energy healing methods.

Purple is my color for balance when I am feeling imbalanced emotionally. the color purple meaning

When I am overcome with anger, sadness or anxiety, working with the color purple aids in curbing my emotions.

The color purple is an inspiration for me to release that which is outdated.

Purple has long been my color of comfort when I am healing from trauma.

It has a calming vibration that literally surrounds me creating this safe space for my emotions to bubble up and heal from.

It is about spiritual protection

“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” – Psalm 91:11

This is a color I go to when feeling vulnerable. What Does The Color Purple Mean Spiritually

Purple is believed to act as a kind of protective shield about your aura and body against negative forces, including psychic energy.

Whenever I feel like needing some extra protection, purple works amazingly, as it allows me to have a strong, energetic boundary.

The color purple acts as a shield, and it can transmute the evil forces to my advantage.

It also clears and purifies my energy field, taking away any residual negativity from me.

The shielding power of the color purple remains essential to me, granting perpetually pure energy.

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