White Crane Bird Spiritual Meanings

White Crane – Spiritual Meaning:

It is about purity

“Purity of heart is to will one thing.” – Søren Kierkegaard

The white crane is a symbol of purity. It brings a divine messages of clarity that cannot be bent or fashioned to serve our individual whims.

The white crane is also corresponded with the higher chakras, especially that of the crown chakra.

The crown chakra is the home of spiritual connection, intuition and enlightenment.

If the white crane appears in life’s journey maybe it is telling me that I need to raise my spiritual energy.

It tells me to grow spiritually and keep my heart open.

It is about eternal life

“With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” – Psalm 91:16

The crane is believed to live for a thousand years.

On a spiritual level, the white crane has shown me that although this body of mine is temporary, my soul lives on. White Crane Bird Spiritual Meanings

As it can fly high, this links the eagle to the heavens as meeting between flesh and spirit and Earth meets Sky.

The white crane helps me realize that growing is not a race and you should always compete against yourself.

It helps me to take it easy, knowing that the spiritual path is narrow, arduous and patient.

And this bird explains to me that living according to those virtues can lead me to enlightenment.


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” – John 14:27

One of the deepest spiritual messages of the White Crane is connected with peace, and calm. White Crane Bird Spiritual Meaning

The calm expressed by the white crane helps me to be present in the moment. However, it can also mean for meditating and being aware of my surroundings.

I feel the crane move in its own time, slow, deliberate, peaceful.

Note – peace is not something I can hurry. I should give it time to grow .

It is about sacred knowledge

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” – Proverbs 1:7

The flight to the heights and outward shown its soaring pursuit of truth, as well as expanding experience of old age.

If I run across the white crane, maybe it is telling me to look into my spiritual journey further. what does a white crane mean

That is usually means that some sort of hidden knowledge needs to come be discovered, and the white crane is there as a guide.

This only need be of a level beyond the intellectual. It might constitute spiritual inspiration, greater self-understanding and wisdom about our collective universe.


“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” – Psalm 91:11

The white crane appears to bridge both worlds, beyond the physical and into the spiritual.

The crane is celebrated as the mythical bridge between heaven and earth, in nearly every ancient myth. white crane symbolism

It soars high in the sky, it glides effortlessly through the air connecting material and spiritual planes.

White cranes are messengers for me, a sign that the divine is speaking in my life.

This bird feels like a message of sorts, a sign from the universe that it is trying to offer me some advice.

So for me the manner and place that I come across the white crane, is one in which I should pay heed to as it could have answers to my spiritual questions or even just how to travel some obstacle or life journey.

This bird symbolises the idea that I am never completely alone even when I am with myself. white crane meaning

Higher forces guide and support me throughout my journey.

It is about harmony

“A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” – Proverbs 11:1

Obviously, the message I am reading in the white crane symbolism of harmony.

I imagine it with its simple stance, and slow movements, and I think about finding balance in all things.

In my spiritual practices, in my relationships, or daily routine the white crane signals me to be centered.

On a spiritual level the white crane is bidding me to work with balancing the physical world with that of the spirit.

It keeps me from forgetting about one for the other. seeing a white crane meaning

I need to balance my spiritual growth with practical living.

Balance means to move. I learn the hard way that balance is true work, it evolves because we are not only balancing four, or three things but because I have to be checking and rechecking just about every second of everyday.


“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth.” – Isaiah 43:19

The white crane is a symbol of hope. I see the bird, and it means that a new part of life, open to infinite sensations is on its way.

The white crane to me is like a whisper that there will always be hope.

The crane tells me not to worry that things are so tough right now they seem impossible. crane spiritual meaning

I have new beginnings in my life all the time, and they could be relationships or opportunities.

It is about spiritual maturity

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child.” – 1 Corinthians 13:11

The white crane also represents spiritual maturity.

Being spiritually mature in my eyes is not really about your age.

It is about how deeply you understand the ways things work in life and in this universe.

This bird is symbolic of my journey to embody this deeper knowing. what does a white crane symbolize

The grace of the white crane is an example that I can also be graceful and strong.

To me this is spiritual maturity.

Life is fleeting and I may never know when the next storm breaks.

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